Nintendo Wii Media | Far Cry Vengeance Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.10.2006 43

Ubisoft have released a selection of shots from the upcoming Far Cry update for the Wii - from the depths of the jungle to a large military complex, the shooter makes an action packed entrance on Nintendo's Wii.

Although these screens have been seen in scans of printed magazines recently, they have been released to the web press for all to see. The game combines elements of the past entries in the franchise with all new Wii-specific tools, moves and design. A worthy addition to the Christmas list or something that'll be shadowed by bigger Wii names?

Take a look at a few new stills below.

Be sure to check out additional images in this update by clicking on the album link below.

Box art for Far Cry Vengeance

Ubisoft Montreal




First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  2/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (39 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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but hey it's only a gun.

Yeah, the bit right at the front of the screen for the entire game.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

It's shocking how you guys will never know the utter joy of the FarCry MapMaker. I made some fucking amazing levels with that. I spent months crafting one of my levels to absolute perfection. It's so brilliant. It's not like the rubbish TimeSplitters level building tools, where everything ends up look well square and shit. You've umpteen tools for carving smooth valleys, hills, even mountains and stuff. Some of my levels were just pure art. Sex to the eye.

It's a real shame you lot won't be able to experiance any of that.

Oni-Ninja said:
Its shocking how you guys will never know the utter joy of the FarCry MapMaker. I made some fucking amazing levels with that. I spent months crafting one of my levels to absolute perfection. Its so brilliant. Its not like the rubbish TimeSplitters level building tools, where everything ends up look well square and shit. Youve umpteen tools for carving smooth valleys, hills, even mountains and stuff. Some of my levels were just pure art. Sex to the eye.Its a real shame you lot wont be able to experiance any of that.

Yer that was the greatest tool ever. I spent 16 hours one day just building a map but it was worth it. I actually wont be getting this because of no map maker and no online play.

Is this map editor on PC or Xbox? I've got it on PC but didn't know there was a map editor...
It doesn't like my CD key either so I can't play it online.Smilie

( Edited on 17.10.2006 21:04 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

It was on the XBOX, not sure if it was on the PC.

Yeah, Xbox. Think FarCry Instincts: Predator has it, aswell. Again on Xbox, but I think you can get the MapMaker for PC, too.

And no online play? Jesus christ. Do they even expect people to buy this game at all? I thought Nintendo were going to catch up to the competitions' online services with the Wii? I hope this shit version of FarCry doesn't set a precedent.

Check this out, the game case looks pretty nice: Far Cry Info

Who cares about the box when it's going to be pants?

No I always buy games cos of the boxes...metroid prime hunters had a shiny box, I bought ten.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

That box looks like it contains an Action Man...
same target audiance, see?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Grumbler said:
That box looks like it contains an Action Man...same target audience, see?

Quoting reveals all...Smilie

EDIT: So does closing a bold tag Smilie...eek

( Edited on 17.10.2006 22:20 by der dojo99 )

Okay, we all knew that Wii would never have really amazing graphics, but this is taking the piss just a bit. These could be bettered on the Gamecube. Easily. Hopefully these will see a touch up before release, but if not then it's certainly a kick in the teeth for us. Still, it does seem like a good game going by previous entries in the series and the addition of the controller.

Hi res Box Art now released. Anyone Intrested.

Hi Res Box Art

( Edited on 18.10.2006 18:56 by Marzy )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Oni-Ninja said:
Wha..?The Map Maker is the only reason youd play FarCry for more than a week, and it adds a whole new dimension to the multiplayer.
To be fair I doubt I've played many games for more than a week other than Smash Bros and Timesplitters, and that was only because of the mad amount of missions and extras...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
Oni-Ninja said:Wha..?The Map Maker is the only reason youd play FarCry for more than a week, and it adds a whole new dimension to the multiplayer.
To be fair I doubt Ive played many games for more than a week other than Smash Bros and Timesplitters, and that was only because of the mad amount of missions and extras...

Then you've been playing some real shit games.

On topic, over the weekend I finished off my FarCry: Instincts file on my old Xbox (was near the end, haven't played it in six months). I gotta say, the graphics in this shitty Wii FarCry are absolutely no better than the old Xbox game. I would say it looks worse even, but I'm giving it it the benefit of the doubt, you shouldn't just visuals totally on little screenshots. You gotta see it up-close and in motion to really critique it.

God, I was thinking those were pretty good screenshots Smilie Then I saw everyone else's reaction!

I must admit, I feel so behind our time. Not that I am, but gradually over the past 5-10 years I got to a point where I just don't get turned on by graphics anymore. I never expected much of graphics from Nintendo either, and that might explain why I thought those screenies aren't bad.

Obviously compared to Oblivion on PC, they don't look good. But anyway, I played Far Cry on PC and I was impressed. It was such an intriguing game where action was well merged with stealth concept. I'd be happy with this if the gameplay turns out to be as good, and I don't see why not - afterall they already had the framework, all they had to do was port the graphics engine and write a new script for this version.


EDIT: I'm so looking forward to the wii controls...!! If they pull this off right, it'd be the most natural-feeling I reckon.

( Edited on 22.10.2006 20:34 by Powdered Water )

Yeah, but it hasn't got any of the features that made the previous versions outstanding.

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