Press Release | Cheaper Games at

By Adam Riley 27.05.2003 1 Reduce Prices...
...and wallets across the UK jump for joy!

Image for Press Release | Cheaper Games at May 27 2003: As part of its ongoing commitment to lowering prices for its customers, leading online retailer today announced a new lower price offer for hundreds of bestselling games across its PC & Video Games store. is now offering hundreds of new and future game releases at 25% off the recommended retail price (RRP), every single day. This isn't a seasonal or limited time promotion, but an indefinite, everyday low price offer and covers computer games as well as games across all major console formats, including Xbox, PlayStation 2 and GameCube. Customers will now be able to pre-order hotly anticipated titles such as Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness at 25% off. The table below highlights some of the savings that customers can make across new and future game releases:

  • Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (PS2) - RRP:

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