SEGA Jump ShipSEGA have announced that they plan to cancel support of GameCube. In a recent interview, Yugi Naka of SEGA Japan spoke of the companys plans for GameCube support in the future. The Sonic Adventure series won't reach a third chapter, because his team is concentrating its work on Sonic Heroes, Phantasy Star Online III and Billy Hatcher & the Giant Egg. Whilst the latter might be a GameCube exclusive it is said to be one of the last as SEGA have been forced to move away from Nintendo's machine because of poor software sales. Also mentioned was the companies plans to support the new handheld system from Sony, the PSP. Apprently they will be developing numerous exclusive titles for the launch of the new console. Whilst this is clearly bad news what is clear is that the Sony have been paying SEGA quite some considerable money for this deal. The fact that SEGA don't plan to support the GBA as much is very strange, and would suggest an 'under the table' payment. Also of note is the fact that recently EA have stated that having seen Nintendo's plans for the GameCube they have a lot of confidence in the platform and they can see it 'coming from behind' to win the war. We will have more on this as and when it develops... Post Your comments below.