Nintendo Media | Dragonball Z Sparking Neo Trailers

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.10.2006 4

Dragonball Z has been a popular title in the current generation, spanning multiple sequels and variations. The latest version hits the Wii with unique controls and a whole cast of familiar faces.

Namco Bandai have released two new trailers recently - a must watch for fans of the series. The footage seems to be from the Playstation 2 version due in October, with the Wii edition hitting retail later.

Thanks to C3 Reader Rob Chai for the tip.

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Looks pretty darn sweet, much more fast paced and lively than the original versions. Maybe one to pick up!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I always feel strangely drawn to DBZ games, I suppose it's the speed and the amount of stuff you can do. Never actually bought Budokai because I don't think they are worth full price.

Still, this does look interesting. I like how they split the video up into the different sagas, perhaps it will be the case in-game?

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
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shiptoncraig said:
I always feel strangely drawn to DBZ games, I suppose its the speed and the amount of stuff you can do. Never actually bought Budokai because I dont think they are worth full price. Still, this does look interesting. I like how they split the video up into the different sagas, perhaps it will be the case in-game?

I think so, it'll probably be the most complete DBZ game to date. Nothing tops Hyper Dimension (SNES) for me though, legendary game!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Wow... the whole of Dragonball in a 10 minute video... Nice ^^

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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