Press Release | Giftpia

By Ross Morley 25.05.2003 1

Pay off a debt in this mysterious RPG

Game Data

From the preview we brought you recently, you’ll already know that the main aim of Giftpia is to pay for the ceremony that will see you becoming an adult. Of course, if you’d turned up for the first one you wouldn’t be in this mess (doh!).

Your character (named Pockle) can do many things with his time on the island to earn the dosh he needs for his ceremony. There are no weapons or enemies, instead you’ll find yourself listening to the radio, going fishing or helping out some of the weirdos that inhabit your world. The developers have claimed that the game is extremely un – linear, so there will be few intances where you need to do / find something before you can move onto the next thing. In fact, it all sounds very reminiscent of Animal Crossing.

Another thing to think about is your health – yep, it’s your job to keep Pockle well fed, and you even need to make sure he gets enough sleep. And as with all RPG’s, interaction here is important as you build relationships with other characters and take on your responsibilities.

Giftpia is a very interesting title, not least with those great looking cel shaded graphics that really seem to work well. This is definitely one to watch, but we just hope that what you get to do will be good fun and addictive.

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