Nintendo News | Wii Play History Revealed (Update)

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.09.2006 27

Nintendo have revealed more information on the upcoming Wii as the central multimedia hub in the home, elaborating on the message board and the new "Play History" features to keep a family in touch.

While initially many had assumed the message board to be very basic, Nintendo have relently elaborated on the feature. The message board is the core feature of the console, to help players "communicate with each other, at the risk of oversimplifying; it is a system that allows messages and memos to be posted on the calendar. It can therefore be used without even being connected to the network."

The board collects "memories over time, recording what different family members have done," according to Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. "These days, because everyone is so busy, it is becoming more and more difficult for people to take the time to sit around the table and chat." To keep players on track the Wii comes will an integrated calendar and scheduling feature tired into the board, with messages being posted at any date and time. "A quick look at the Wii Message Board will allow the family members to feel the presence of the others, even if only slightly".

This can also interestingly be interweaved into games

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Mr.Ashcroft said:
Seems like a neat wii featureOh i feel so American


That's a pretty cool feature. Leaving notes like "Woman do not delete my saved games again!"Smilie

It is a novelty-feature at best - a cute addition which is of no real concern to me. I do not see how it is any different from the message-system in Xbox Live, beyond the fact that it is 'prettier in design'.

The play-history, however, is a cool, and useful feature. That way I can keep track of how much I play games in general - not just game-specific counts.

I do not yearn for DVD-playback either. I already have two DVD-players ( Xbox 360, PC ), so a third one would do me no good. Nintendo did the right choice in this regard as far as I am concerned.

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