Industry News | Capcom Discusses Wii and DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.09.2006 20

Capcom's Kazuhiko Abe, executive officer in charge of corporate strategy has spoken to Bloomberg on the company's upcoming plans in the handheld and home console market. Details on the Wii and DS development, although not too new, give a good indication of the company's plans and successes on Nintendo platforms.

During the interview. The company reiterated their next generation plans:

  • Three titles, including Resident Evil (Biohazard) 5 will ship for Sony's Playstation 3.
  • Three titles, including Resident Evil 5 and Lost Planet will be released for Microsoft's Xbox 360.
  • Only one title, Resident Evil Wii (Biohazard: Umbrella Chronicles) will ship for Wii.

    Abe commented on the rise of development costs, due to having to learn to create games for new platforms as there is a lot to learn. Ones the game has been created for a platform, the studio can reuse game engines to help lower costs for new games up to 40%. "Depending on the type of game, developing one title for the new machines can costs about 1 billion yen ($8.6 million). It is the minimum you need to spend if you want to make a decent game."

    However, to minimise costs, the company note that they are also making games for PC, which can be easily converted into Xbox games. Games for the Wii, which is a little bit different from other consoles, can be used in the amusement business", like shorter, arcade styled games.

    Finally, Abe commented on Capcom's success this year from software from both the DS and PSP and hope this will continue with the release of the PS3 and Wii later this year.

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    If development costs are so bad...then why only one game for the cheapest platform? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    Capcom really don't get it. Surely they could do more than 1 title for the Wii - perhaps they're basing it on the past performance of the GameCube/N64.

    Thank god for RE: Wii, and hopefully they'll bring out more sometime!

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    'If development costs are so bad...then why only one game for the cheapest platform?'
    Exactly- let's be honest it's a big step from the capcom 5. I have very high hopes of an okami remake though- seems to be a perfect fit.

    I'm was a bit suprised when he said that depending on the type of game, developing one title for the new machines can costs about 1 billion yen ($8.6 million)He must be talking about for the Wii because as we're all quite aware, developing for the other two consoles should cost anything from $10million upwards.

    ( Edited on 26.09.2006 13:27 by OLU1701 )

    Did anyone really expect anything more? We'll get Resi Wii a few months after RE5 is released and maybe a Street Fighter game somewhere down the track.

    If development costs are so bad...then why only one game for the cheapest platform?

    Exactly. Star get.

    If development costs are so bad...then why only one game for the cheapest platform?

    Because they have to believe in Wii and their single minded marketing-department must see it too. Wii can be expensive - see Red Steel - but after one title the costs sink dramatically. As with
    "Games for the Wii, which is a little bit different from other consoles, can be used in the amusement business?, like shorter, arcade styled games."

    is exactly the attitude someone may punch Capcom for.

    They did Viewtiful Joe, they did so much other games for Cube, so why are they losing faith in Nintendo? Because you have a remote to control the game and can't steer the right way? Come on, I thought everyone got over that!

    ( Edited on 26.09.2006 17:00 by Laurelin )

    ( Edited on 26.09.2006 17:00 by Laurelin )

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    Port "House of the Dead" series, problem solved.


    TimoteiWest said:
    Port House of the Dead series, problem solved.Wii!

    that's SEGA.

    Laurelin said:
    If development costs are so bad...then why only one game for the cheapest platform?
    Because they have to believe in Wii and their single minded marketing-department must see it too. Wii can be expensive - see Red Steel - but after one title the costs sink dramatically. As with
    Games for the Wii, which is a little bit different from other consoles, can be used in the amusement business?, like shorter, arcade styled games.
    is exactly the attitude someone may punch Capcom for.They did Viewtiful Joe, they did so much other games for Cube, so why are they losing faith in Nintendo? Because you have a remote to control the game and cant steer the right way? Come on, I thought everyone got over that!( Edited on 26.09.2006 17:00 by Laurelin )( Edited on 26.09.2006 17:00 by Laurelin )

    Exactly CAPCOM rock but with a mentality like that they deserve a kick in the balls, big time and i have a bad feeling REWii is gonna suck bug bad balls doesn't seem to be prioritised and if they even dare give us a shity survivor RE game i will personally take a piss on CAPCOM's headquaters whereever they are. CUNTS

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    Capcom have Nintendo to thank for their huge success in the wake of Resi4. It was built for GC specifically, and without it RE4 woudve been another Code Veronica X... passable. So now they drop this on Nintendo fans? thanks a lot.

    @Mr Ashcroft,

    The thing that most Ninty fanboys try and deny is that if anybody does something negative towards them, it is never Nintendo's fault. Of course you are gonna get companies who want to "play it safe" (read: Microsoft, atm), so slagging them off for not supporting Wii in some sort of crazy Ubisoft-like madness is a pretty fanboyish thing to do, whether you like it or not. Smilie

    dojo99 said:
    @Mr Ashcroft,The thing that most Ninty fanboys try and deny is that if anybody does something negative towards them, it is never Nintendos fault. Of course you are gonna get companies who want to play it safe (read: Microsoft, atm), so slagging them off for not supporting Wii in some sort of crazy Ubisoft-like madness is a pretty fanboyish thing to do, whether you like it or not. Smilie

    "Most Ninty fanboys"? Dude, that's not true at all. Sure there's a lot of ignorant and idiotic Nintendo fanboys, but that goes for every console company. Some more so than others. From my 25 years of gaming experience, the average Nintendo fan and even fanboy is much more level headed and deals with subjects and issues far more intelligently than others despite the bogus stigma that "Nintendo is for teh kiddiezz!!!11111". I'm an avid Nintendo fan but there's still been plenty of times I've gotten upset and even really angry about decisions Nintendo's made in the past.

    Capcom is really screwing with us on this. They've already shafted us with their many "GameCube exclusives". *takes deep breath and thinks of adorable, fluffy kittens* That's another subject. I LOVE Capcom. They've made some of my most favorite games and franchises, but I'm starting to get really upset with their business model. There's no logic to reinforce their thinking. For one example, they still insist on throwing most of their weight behind the PSP despite the DS blowing it out of the water in world wide sales. I can understand they might be hesitant to support Wii because of it's brand new interface, but only one game in development is not justifiable. Their not the only one doing this either, and I'm concerned that this might become a problem for Wii despite the possibility of it being hugely successful.

    Another concern I have is that more and more devs are also starting to think Wii is only for casual gamers and do not believe that deep, lengthy, harcore games suit it. This belief is in stark contrast to what Nintendo has been saying since Wii was first unveiled. Wii is for everyone: hardcore gamers, casual gamers, ex gamers and non gamers. And there are already quite a few games coming to Wii that prove it.

    There's also the problem with 3rd parties thinking Wii is not primarily about the graphics so they are under utilizing it's graphical capabilities, but again, that's another subject.

    Chance favors the prepared mind.

    dojo99 said:
    @Mr Ashcroft,The thing that most Ninty fanboys try and deny is that if anybody does something negative towards them, it is never Nintendos fault. Of course you are gonna get companies who want to play it safe (read: Microsoft, atm), so slagging them off for not supporting Wii in some sort of crazy Ubisoft-like madness is a pretty fanboyish thing to do, whether you like it or not. Smilie

    It ain't Nintendo's fault CAPCOM games were well recieved on the GameCUbe and weren't so well recieved on the PS2 despite it's 100m user base.

    The fact is if CaPCOM want to play it safe don't develop for the PS3 develop for the Wii idiots

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    I'm so disappointed with them...

    Mr.Ashcroft said:It aint Nintendos fault CAPCOM games were well recieved on the GameCUbe and werent so well recieved on the PS2 despite its 100m user base.The fact is if CaPCOM want to play it safe dont develop for the PS3 develop for the Wii idiots

    True, but the Wii has the potential to be a hit or a miss as a console in general, depending on how well recieved it is by the public. So despite their games selling well on the Gamecube, they can't be so sure that the Wii shall actually be a success. Where if they were to develop for the other consoles there wouldn't be much risk.

    I think that Capcom as a publisher ATM have lost the plot somewhat. Sorta like Sammy taking over Sega. They should use some common sense and introduce Capcom titles that Nintendo fans will apreciated to the Wii. Such as Ghosts and Goblins Smilie. We've already taken RE well.

    ( Edited on 27.09.2006 14:24 by Daniel Primed )

    ( Edited on 27.09.2006 14:31 by Daniel Primed )

    "Games for the Wii, which is a little bit different from other consoles, can be used in the amusement business

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    Megadanxzero said:
    Games for the Wii, which is a little bit different from other consoles, can be used in the amusement business

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    Daniel Primed wrote:
    True, but the Wii has the potential to be a hit or a miss as a console in general, depending on how well recieved it is by the public. So despite their games selling well on the Gamecube, they can't be so sure that the Wii shall actually be a success. Where if they were to develop for the other consoles there wouldn't be much risk.

    The PS3 @ $600.00 is not a risk? The Xbox 360 @ 400 dollars is not a risk? The problem that people tend to have in this so called console race is that they tend to treat Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft alike. This is not the case. Nintendo is a video game developer, they now how to get the most out of their technology. The Wii includes the GameCube architecture which allows any developer who developed for the GameCube to easily transition to the Wii. There is not much risk in that.

    Secondly, imagine Resident Evil 4 using the Wii controller. Instead of using the action button to open the door, the nunchuck analog could be used. This would allow a gamer to be able to twist a door knob by turning the nunchuck left or right by turning their writs in a similar fashion. Pushing the nunchuck forward would allow a gamer to open the door according to how far the nunchuck is moved forward. If a gamer moves the nunchuck forward slightly, anticipating danger, the door will only open slightly. If a gamer moves the nunchuck forward quickly the door will fly open completely exposing all of the contents inside of a building or house. This would make the Resident Evil series more immersive.

    patjuan32 said:The PS3 @ $600.00 is not a risk? The Xbox 360 @ 400 dollars is not a risk? The problem that people tend to have in this so called console race is that they tend to treat Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft alike.

    The PS2 was rather expensive(I forget the initial pricing now) and did it sell? It sold out at launch and has continued to sell well with the price drops in the previous years. The concept of the Wii's controls is what makes it risky. But don't take my word for it, look up some of the E3 interviews or the Nintendo's Q&A business guide, there are piles of quotes from Mr Iwata that state this.

    patjuan32 said:This is not the case. Nintendo is a video game developer, they now how to get the most out of their technology. The Wii includes the GameCube architecture which allows any developer who developed for the GameCube to easily transition to the Wii. There is not much risk in that.

    Now your comparing business to manufaction. Capcom the publisher would have decided what consoles their teams develop on, not the other way around.

    The price of the PS2 isn't remotely comparable to the PS3... I don't remember it being more than about

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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