Press Release | True Zelda sequel for Gamecube

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.05.2003 1

Link Returns to the GameCube.
A third Zelda title for the GameCube has been announced.

In a recent interview conducted by CVandG and Eiji Aonuma, a new installment to the Zelda series was announced, as well as details behind producing the Wind Waker itself.

Image for Press Release | True Zelda sequel for GamecubeAonuma: I am unable to give you any details right now. I am hoping to have a playable version ready by next year's E3, so I'm hoping you'll be patient and look forward to that.

Image for Press Release | True Zelda sequel for GamecubeAs I did between Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, I will use the same engine and the same graphics of Wind Waker for its sequel. However, I do plan on powering everything up a bit.

What does this mean, hopefully it will be better than Wind Waker in the aspects of the game's length and difficulty, and also perhaps some areas - like the beginning of the adventure having a more detailed learning curve. The graphical engine was used effectively in the original, and it seems that the developing body will further expand upon what they have previously done.

The project, dubbed "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker 2" should be in playable form in next year's E3 Expo in May 2004, and it seems that it should be released during that year too.

At time of writing, not much is known, and you can read the whole interview at CV&G's website.

Read Interview

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