Nintendo News | More Cell-Shaded Zelda Adventures?

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.09.2006 25

Quick News: According to The Hylia, there very well could be future Zelda adventures in a similar Cell Shaded style to the GameCube's Wind Waker or DS's Phantom Hourglass. In an interview with Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma, he states: "Of course, I like Link in that shape (too), and I have no intention to stop producing cel-shaded Link..."

Thanks to Mr.Ashcroft for the tip. Be sure to stick with C3 for any Zelda updates!

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yeah!! I loved Wind Waker and I'm sure I'm gonna love Phantom Hourglass too.

I loved the cell shaded style, allthough over aspexs of Wind Waker let it down.(repedative and not too inspirational...compared to Beyond Good and Evil which I played shortly after).

Still,Wind Waker did have a very emotional story, and Id very like to see more adventures with that link.

The next land will be their land, after all.

hmz..a clue? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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The interview is in Revolution magazine (UK), it even says that on Hylia..

( Edited on 19.09.2006 00:51 by Willenium )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Great news for Zelda fans!! Smilie

Willenium said:
The interview is in Revolution magazine (UK), it even says that on Hylia..( Edited on 19.09.2006 00:51 by Willenium )

Yes, I know... and?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I remember him saying the EXACT same words in an interview with gamesTM in June 2005.

I don't see why people don't like Cell Shaded Link. I think the style fits Zelda and Link extremely well. However, if they made an adult Link that was Cell Shaded, I would be a little wary.


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well happy about that, imagine the improvements they could make to a game of that style, besides ive been missing Medli, and hope the little quack nosed one returns ia any future game.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I'm used to cel-shaded Link largely thanks to Wind Waker and I'm definately picking up Phantom Hour Glass. However, I prefer photo-realistic Zelda games and think that on homeconsole units, the graphical focus for Zelda installments should be on those sorts of visuals. I think Nintendo have used the cel-shading fantastically on both Wind Waker and Hour Glass and they've proved that it works but I will always prefer the photorealism of Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and of course Twighlight Princess.Smilie

( Edited on 19.09.2006 10:11 by OLU1701 )

I loved Celda (Windwaker) and it was very homogenic in its graphical style. But I want Link to be realistic like in Ocarina (even the blocky realism of N64) and Twilight Princess. But I think cell shaded Link would be wonderful on DS and i'm looking forward to Phantom Hourglass! I would like to play more of these kind of games on DS, but not on Wii and following. It was graphically a bit too stylised in my opinion...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Id hardly call TP realistic.
Its "more detailed", but its actualy still pretty stylised if you look at peoples faces.

Which is a good thing, stearing well clear of the uncanny valley. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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jb said:
Great news for Zelda fans!! Smilie
Willenium said:The interview is in Revolution magazine (UK), it even says that on Hylia..( Edited on 19.09.2006 00:51 by Willenium )
Yes, I know... and?

Aren't you supposed to say where the original source is as well? And since it's in a brand new UK magasine it's even more relevent.

C3 made a MASSIVE fuss about the new official mag, and even some stuff about NGamer, but nothing about Revolution.

( Edited on 19.09.2006 13:56 by Craig David )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Well, I enjoyd the increadible beauty of the areas that Link traversed in Wind Waker. I loved the way the islands looked, just fantastic. I'd love to see more of that style, just not on the DS, too limited capabilities.(I'll still probably get Phantom Hourglass though)

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

I'd love to see more of that style, just not on the DS, too limited capabilities.(I'll still probably get Phantom Hourglass though)

For some reason I get the feeling they'll be using the 'realistic' graphics for the Wii and leaving 'Celda' for the DS.

Wouldn't mind it, I can see it as a Wii title, sinc Wii is "fun" & stuff...

But this time, they need to work extra long & hard, to release a mature Zelda alongside it, so everyone is satisyed.

We can call it..... Zelda day: 5. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

As long as it stays in the handheld games I'll be happy... I prefer Zelda to look like Twilight Princess.

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Loved Wind Waker it was zelda with an added fun factor near finished it again, the DS version looks brilliant.

There is no reason why both celshaded and so called realistic zelda's can't live side by side on the Wii, here's hoping that Ninty decide to continue both styles of Zelda games

Craig David said:
jb said:Great news for Zelda fans!! Smilie
Willenium said:The interview is in Revolution magazine (UK), it even says that on Hylia..( Edited on 19.09.2006 00:51 by Willenium )
Yes, I know... and?
Arent you supposed to say where the original source is as well? And since its in a brand new UK magasine its even more relevent.C3 made a MASSIVE fuss about the new official mag, and even some stuff about NGamer, but nothing about Revolution.( Edited on 19.09.2006 13:56 by Craig David )

That could be my fault i gave jb hylia site but does it really matter

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

yes i love wind waker

Craig David said:
jb said:Great news for Zelda fans!! Smilie
Willenium said:The interview is in Revolution magazine (UK), it even says that on Hylia..( Edited on 19.09.2006 00:51 by Willenium )
Yes, I know... and?
Arent you supposed to say where the original source is as well? And since its in a brand new UK magasine its even more relevent.C3 made a MASSIVE fuss about the new official mag, and even some stuff about NGamer, but nothing about Revolution.( Edited on 19.09.2006 13:56 by Craig David )
That could be my fault i gave jb hylia site but does it really matter

Well it says on the site you gave where it came from originaly, but no it's definately not a big deal, just thought it would improve the news item a tad.

( Edited on 19.09.2006 19:43 by Willenium )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Although many people complained about the graphics style, it's nice to see that Nintendo are still catering for the people who did like it.

TP engine is the same as WW engine only dramaticly updated.
if i recall, they also said TP will be using cel-shading but in a different way

Oh yes`!!! jOY!!!

ill be honest i liked it but when i saw the orignal video of link fighting ganandorf i set my self to that style and i dont think ill be satisfied until they get there

sidar said:
if i recall, they also said TP will be using cel-shading but in a different way
You don't recall...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I recall the first sentence of sidar but not the second

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

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