Nintendo Wii Media | New Zelda Twilight Princess Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.09.2006 32

Nintendo have released a stunning new trailer for the upcoming Zelda adventure, Twilight Princess. Our favourite Hylian hero returns to save his land against the forces of evil this Winter alongside the much anticipated release of the Wii.

During their conferences earlier this week, the company released a gorgeous new trailer of the Wii version in action - complete with horse back archery, brand new areas to explore, strange looking people and creatures including more Wolfy action.

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Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess





Action Adventure



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (827 Votes)

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Wooh, C3 TV! Smilie

Saw this on GT earlier, looking fabulosa, the dark world/wolf thing looks really interesting.

And combat (although only shown briefly in this video) looks out of this world, I can see that being a feck load of fun on the Wii especialy, but will no doubt be awesome on GC as well.

Can't wait! Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Stunning, and the view from my sister

"It all looks like cutscenes"

I dunno if its just the video quality, but the framerates at the end look attrosious....

I hate youtube.

Bit confused how Nintendo released that as a trailer but didn't chuck in any TP logo or anything at the end. Nevertheless, looking great.

Goosebumps. Smilie

Wo33eR ::: Wo33eR.CoM Website :: Cubed-3 :: [ General Writer :: Reveiwer ]

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Downloaded it earlier and it's looking really impressive!

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

spydarlee said:
Wooh, C3 TV!

Hehe, yeah, remade the intro as the old one has gone missing!

Zelda looks awesome Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I was especially happy when watching one of the IGN ones, that the Press A to attack was still there. Smilie

But Wolf Link looks Fandabidosi.

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

What a beauty! does You Tube work with Opera? because it didn't work whenv I tryed it.

Normal PC Opera? Yeah, should do - I've used it with it.

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

I'm hoping it was just the level I played, but controlling Link with the Wii-mote was too shaky for my liking...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Aww. Smilie

Will be good to see some US reviews before making a final decision on which version to buy over here.

I really want the Wii version, though, so I hope they sort the controls out...

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Looking ve'y nice, 'cept it was a short film, but meh!

Link right handed don't look right....

As in... it's wrong... Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Awesome wolf senses, and it looks better than what the first trailers looked.

I agree with you Poltercrow, a right-handed Link just is'nt right, still looks good though

( Edited on 16.09.2006 18:15 by The Evil Shy Guy )

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Looks amazing. Wii version for me. I'm confident Nintendo will nail the control system or at least make sure it runs smoothly.

And I have no problem with Link being a righty. Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

I hope Link can be switched to be left handed, as all the great man are left handed... ;-P (me for example!)...
I need him to be lefthanded, as I will hold Wiimote and Nunchuck the other way round!

brat, my Linux-Opera without the newest Flash (only flash7 for Linux) has no sound and is not working fluidly. I want normal videos, please!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I'm sure they will have a left-handed configureation for the lefties out there.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

I hope Link can be switched to Left hand option but i am really not bothered

by the way this looks amazing

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Still confudled as to how you are supposed to control the camera? Is it automatic? That better be a really good system then...

Look at Link at the 30 second mark, you can almost feel the power when he hits the moblin (?) with his sword.

If fighting has rumble support, it's going to be VERY satisfying.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

^^^^ Nintendo have really nailed the killing blows in TP. Thrusting down the sword to finish the dying enemy never felt so satisfying. Just imagine the last bosses' killing blow...ya!Smilie

Great stuff! After seeing some videos of the Wii version, though, I'm uncertain if it's going to be that great, as some people are either having big trouble with the controls or they're crap at games in general (this seems to be a common thing for IGN writers, though). There's a nasty rumour that the GC version isn't even coming to Europe, though, and is only going to America...probably isn't true (and NeoGAF/IGN just over-reacting), but would be very annoying.

( Edited on 17.09.2006 11:25 by Mason )

Saw the whole thing now, finally on some watchable resolutions (the ign ones is good). I must say, the movement animation has been improved so much for the horse and wolf-link. They don't look like robots anymore. Smilie I also like it how link's cap flys in the wind when it zooms up when doing horseback archery.

Marzy said:
What a beauty! does You Tube work with Opera? because it didnt work whenv I tryed it.

Make sure you have opera 9, preferably this week's build.
The very latest versions are at the top.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
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