Nintendo Media | New Red Steel Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.09.2006 20

Ubisoft have revealed more gorgeous footage from their upcoming Wii First Person Sword/Shooter, Red Steel - from the streets of Japan to fresh new indoor areas, scenarious and weaponry - it's a Red Steel blowout.

The trailer reveals a lot more on the title, from some of the additional weaponry players can use to cause massive damage, to brand new environments to explore.

Thanks to IGN Wii for the footage.

Box art for Red Steel





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (138 Votes)

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I reckon this looks *soooo* much better than the previous builds we've seen. Music is quite annoying, but interesting.

Voices are teh cheesiest ever!

Loving the new areas/weapons!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I cant decide if this game has good graphics or not.... fucking youtube spells the end to high resolution trailers for the mainstream.

I'll buy this game for the experience anyway. Even if it's not the best game ever, the physical involvment means vast amounts of immersion. Something that a standard control pad simply cannot deliver.

I'm sure this game is automatically made better due to the immersion. If they released it on 360 or PS3 it would probably loose my attention after a week.

f | j | D said:
I cant decide if this game has good graphics or not.... fucking youtube spells the end to high resolution trailers for the mainstream.Ill buy this game for the experience anyway. Even if its not the best game ever, the physical involvment means vast amounts of immersion. Something that a standard control pad simply cannot deliver.Im sure this game is automatically made better due to the immersion. If they released it on 360 or PS3 it would probably loose my attention after a week.

Definitely! I probably wouldn't consider getting this as much as I would if it wasn't for the Wii mote, the experience should hopefully be fresh and innovative - certainly looks the part!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It looks interesting, prehaps we'll be the "cool" grpup and have Jack Thompson onour back for training murderers.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

Wow looks great... looks like the sword fightings been sorted as well essential purchase me thinks Smilie

Well it seems asthough the aiming system has been sorted out which was my biggest worry, sword fighting also looks improved too. Can't wait to play this.

Saw it earlier today, looks fantastic

It looks fantastic, I'm zealous about the graphic. The trailer looks almost screened. It is so dark in the corners.
But wonderful gameplay, wonderful music (I think it's not the original music, but if it is, then the quality is great!), and absolutely cheesy wonderful atmosphere - something like Crying Freeman or the cheap Yakuza-movies I saw... *jumps around*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Everything about the game looks okay and the IGN article goes more in-depth on the hands-on experience and i'd like to ask Jb and crew if they are going to the London event.

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

they say Cubed

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

What time is the event again??

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

Laurelin said:
they say Cubed

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

f | j | D said:
I cant decide if this game has good graphics or not.... fucking youtube spells the end to high resolution trailers for the mainstream.

I'll buy this game for the experience anyway. Even if it's not the best game ever, the physical involvment means vast amounts of immersion. Something that a standard control pad simply cannot deliver.

I'm sure this game is automatically made better due to the immersion. If they released it on 360 or PS3 it would probably loose my attention after a week.

I agree with you, cant decide either and if didnt was for Wii i probably would pass it. But something it intrigues me, this game have good graphics or not?! some times looks gorgeous, and some times looks so below average.

Open your mind, and see across the wall you have build. Free yourself.

Yep - Adam (Jesusraz) and James (Tempo) got the invites to the London. Lil old me, who runs the site gets, and the only staffie who lives in London gets .... nothing. This is a smilie

that's unbeleiveable, you should have contacted the promoters.
Think of all the freebie's your missing out on

MKWii FC 4081-5636-6351 <<-- add me SSBB FC 2707-3062-7319 <<-- add me

Lovin' the grenade throwing motion. Smilie

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Thats what I call 'playing' a game, I hope it meets expectations.

Brilliant! Everytime I see it, it always looks better.

i am really impressed want this game so much. i like that fact that when he slowed time to dothe aiming thing all those water particles. now that was cool.

Yes, the time stopping thing looked AWESOME with those water particle. In fact it gives me ideas for my new shmup Smilie

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