Press Release | Dead to Rights

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.05.2003 1

Dead to Rights
A game not for pansies.

Game Data

Today, Namco revealed a fact sheet for the GameCube version of Dead to Rights.

Fact sheet

Product description
Dead To RightsTM is an intense, hard-hitting, action-thriller game in which police officer, Jack Slate, discovers and unravels a conspiracy that threatens not only himself, but the city he's sworn to protect, Grant City. Jack Slate's adventure has him progressing through various game chapters by taking out hostile threats, solving challenging puzzles and mini-games, and defeating sinister bosses

Product overview
One night while on routine patrol, Grant City cop, Jack Slate takes a 'shots fired' call from police dispatch. Arriving at the scene, Jack discovers something that leads him through a twisted labyrinth of crime and corruption, which turns him from a model officer to a fugitive hunted by good cops, bad cops, bounty hunters, and crooks alike. Without a gun, a car or a home and with pitifully few friends, Jack battles with the criminal element that continues to rain crime and heartbreak on the city like a hurricane. With your help, Jack Slate will wage this war until its explosive conclusion, when he has the ones responsible...

Key Features

  • Control Jack's K-9 partner, Shadow, to disarm enemies, retrieve weapons and sniff out bombs.
  • Execute crippling disarm moves to obtain weapons from enemies.
  • Grab an enemy and use him as a human shield for an extra layer of protection.
  • Fight hand-to-hand and with a variety of weapons with the extensive combat engine.
  • Play mini-games within the storyline such as Arm Wrestling, Bench Press, and Pole Dancing.
  • Slow-motion directional diving feature allows you to target multiple enemies and toggle between them.
  • Unique color-coded targeting to ensure lethal hits.
  • Different disarm sequences for different weapons.
  • Toggle between dynamic camera angles during slow motion disarms.
  • Pick the right weapons to exploit the different shooting ranges for maximum damage.
  • Puzzle elements include lock-picking and disarming bombs.
  • Scripted movie-style storyline and action.

    The Game will be released in July 2003 on the GameCube and Playstation2

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