Nintendo Media | BWii Artwork

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.09.2006 16

Nintendo have released a selection of artwork from the upcoming Battalion Wars sequel for Wii, dubbed BWii, Battalion Wars 2 - demonstrating the soldiers in their poses and a gorgeous battle scene.

BWii is the upcoming strategy/action game that once again pits players in the scene of war, but with some great Wii specifics and upgrades. Multiplayer is now fully supported both online and offline, and the game plays host to a variety of new modes and refinements since the GameCube original.

BWii hits retail in 2007.

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Box art for Battalion Wars 2








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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (54 Votes)

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Scwheet lookin artwork Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah, saw these in ONM. Glad the grunts will have a bit more personality this time around.

HazukiSan said:
Yeah, saw these in ONM. Glad the grunts will have a bit more personality this time around.

Ya, scanned these in but you know, legal requirements n all that Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

That ship looks complex.

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

Even though I've seen them before from the scans, the marines look sweetSmilie

HazukiSan said:
Yeah, saw these in ONM. Glad the grunts will have a bit more personality this time around.

They've actually got quite a big special on BW2. Nice to see a game like this get the attention over more of the regular games.

Oh and a quick question, does anyone else think the infantry all look like women?

HazukiSan said:
Oh and a quick question, does anyone else think the infantry all look like women?

Lol, yes.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

You know you could have just stolen these from Gamespot about a week ago Smilie Plus it's not technically artwork... Apparently that's what they look like in-game.

And yeah they all have very feminine looking eyes... Maybe that'll be the big twist at the end of the game. The world has been conquered by WOMEN!! Smilie

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I don't see any boobs on any image.


They look like they've got eye make-up.

The original had more cutesy art, which I prefer:

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I concur Grumbler. But as dan said this isnt exactly art...they're just renders.

How about some real screens...

Nice art (renders) but I wish they released more video's on it. The game looks really good and it's a shame I neve bought the first (should do).

tiamat1990 said:
How about some real screens...
As I said, that's the level of detail they have in-game... So... they kind of are screens ^^;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I have to say, this game really has a really in depth appeal to me. I'm really looking forward to it after Leipzig...

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