Nintendo News | Ubisoft Bring Splinter Cell to Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.09.2006 21

Ubisoft and IGN bring yet more love to the Nintendo table for a lazy Friday night with another project being given tasty Wii treatment. The company disclosed details, earlier today, of Splinter Cell sneaking up on Nintendo's next home console, complete with unique stealth antics.

Speaking exclusively to IGN today, Ubisoft revealed their upcoming projects, one of which being Splinter Cell: Double Agent for Wii.

The game sees the return of the classic hero Sam Fisher as he once again goes head on with a terrorist threat. Fisher goes undercover to infiltrate the groups HQ, using his smooth moves to negotiate or take out the enemy in a fresh environment as a double agent. The game takes him around the world, from Asia to Africa, back to the heart of the US to stop the terror unfolding. Sam comes equipped with a new and old selection of gadgets to help compliment his sleuthing skills.

"We are very excited to bring Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent to the Wii this holiday season. The Splinter Cell franchise has always translated very well across multiple platforms and we are confident that the Wii version will continue the tradition of maximizing the capabilities of each respective video game console platform."
Tony Key, vice president of marketing at Ubisoft.

The Wii version is a port of the current generation Playstation 2 / GameCube builds, with slight visual enhancements in place, but will lack some of the additional missions exclusive to the Xbox 360 version. However, the Wii's unique control system will be in place using both the remote and nun chuck attachment. The studio are still playing with the control system in order to find the best solution for players, and interestingly enough came up with the slightly gimmicky idea of picking locks by shaking the Wii-mote. Innovative!

The title is set for release during the Wii's launch period later this year.

IGN has a selection of media to compliment the announcement.

Stick with C3 for further updates.

Box art for Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent








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Doesn't look or sound too bad, should sell fairly well on the Wii. Graphically, it's good - given that they're presumably taking it straight from the GC build with a few changes here and there.

One thing that confuses me - characters in the Wii shots we've seen look fantastic, good textures, modelling etc - but their environments really lack any care, precision or quality.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

What the fuck is wrong with 99% of Wii developers out there?

Saturo Iwata himself said "Wii will be easy to port to". For god sakes I hope he didnt mean to port from PS2/Xbox/GC....

They should be taking the Xbox360 version and basically lowering the graphical effects till the fucking thing plays smoothly. And even then, they shouldnt have to lower the detail much. Any semi decent/midrange GPU can produce ace graphics and the Wii should be no exception.

I seriously cannot believe that the Wii is as underpowered as all these developers suggest?!

( Edited on 09.09.2006 01:39 by f | j | D )

They should be taking the Xbox360 version and basically lowering the graphical effects till the fucking thing plays smoothly. And even then, they shouldnt have to lower the detail much. Any semi decent/midrange GPU can produce ace graphics and the Wii should be no exception.

I seriously cannot believe that the Wii is as underpowered as all these developers suggest?!

Yeah, it seems that for launch quite a chunk of games will be GC/PS2/Xbox ports, with slightly bumped up graphics and Wiimote support... *sigh* - at least it's another title on the shelf, I guess. I do hope they can do more with this, I really do.

Lock picking my shaking - I do enough with my wrist already thank you very much!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

lol i was actually thinking about when SPlinter cell would show up on the wii. Seemed strange not being there with all the recent ubi wii love.

I really am stoked that Ubisoft is throwing an incredible amount of support behind Wii (and hopefully all other 3rd parties will follow closely) but I'm a little upset with the moniker that Wii games are getting slight graphical upgrades over current generation systems. Wii is much more powerful than Xbox. Look at some of the absolutely gorgeous games that have been released on GC like RE4, SF Adventures, SF Assault, Metroid Prime, MP2: Echoes, Rogue Leader, Rebel Strike, Luigi's Mansion, Mario Sunshine, Smash Melee, Mario Power Tennis, Zelda Wind Waker and DK Jungle Beat to name a hande full. Of course, all these games took full advantage of GC's architecture, something that has been lacking by the majority of 3rd parties for GC. Wii's architecture is based off of GameCube's, so they should all be at least fairly familiar with it. That coupled with the improved tools and devkits should make for some fantastic results. I really hate to see Wii's capabilities getting undermined by lazy or complacent devs. Here's hoping they all see they light.

I'm getting really frustrated that many of the games launching with Wii aren't receiving mulitplayer functionality for wireless LAN.Smilie I understand that Nintendo is having some hiccups getting the online network ironed out for 3rd parties, but at least these devs could give us wireless LAN. You would think they would include it in conjuction with splitscreen anyway.

I really hope they thoroughly think through clever and fun ways to use Wii's controller (especially for a port). The potential is incredible, but it all comes down to devs taking advantage of that potential (same goes for horsepower). I don't want them to cram functionality into a game just because they're making the game for Wii and they have to have some sort of utilization of Wii's control. Otherwise, they could end up giving Wii a bad stigma with gamers that really isn't Wii's fault.

( Edited on 09.09.2006 07:02 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

so that would be another gamecube port. oh exciting times ahead. i'm starting to think nintendo made a mistake keeping the wii with similar architecture to the GC. We just seem to be getting "slightly enhanced" versions with some remote action to satisfy. its terrible.

You guys are some real graphics freaks. Cant you give it a rest. The graphics are perfect and there's nothing wrong with them. As long as the games are good that's all that should matter. I didn't see you complain about Goldeneye's graphics on the N64.

I think we should wait till the current gen dies out, developers are actually trying to find out what the can do with the Wii controller using old games,it's somewhat like a playtest but instead of ust slaping on controls, they'll work hard to make them work and if the controls dont work then tey know they did something wrong, the thing is once the current gen dies we'll see good developers and original titles being put together with mindblowing controls and Well pushed Wii graphics.

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

Marzy said:
I didnt see you complain about Goldeneyes graphics on the N64.

That's entirely different, considering Goldeneye was considered to have superb graphics at the time.

That said, this is the kind of thing I want to see from Ubisoft. Yes, it's just an enhanced port, but at least it looks the part - I don't see how ANYBODY could say those screens are bad graphics. They're not the best graphics ever, for sure, but they're far from bad, well into the 'very good' category for me. At least they've taken the time to adjust the controls, hopefully this doesn't mean the lock picking bits alone and you'll be able to strangle people with the remote/nunchuk, that kind of thing...might be wishful thinking until we get a true Wii-specific Splinter Cell, but you never know. This also goes toward proving Nintendo's strategy with Wii and ports. They've done the same thing as they did with SNES and Mega Drive, released a controller that has features the others do not so that they can get games ported over if developers want to with a little bit of work re-adjusting controls, but developers can't port Wii games over to other systems because they don't have the necessary parts for it, or they'll have difficulty trying to map it onto other controllers while still working as well. Nintendo did this in the 16-bit era by including 3 extra buttons on SNES over Mega Drive, so they could accept ports from the 3-buttoned Mega Drive, but it was tricky to put them over from SNES.

It's great to see a Splinter Cell game around launch, as it gives another 'mature' game to the line up and so will go a-ways to continuing to remove the 'kiddy' image of Nintendo. Also adds a lot more variety to the line-up; my concern is that Ubisoft won't be happy with sales of their launch window titles, but it'll be their own fault for releasing so many so that they're competing with each other and, of course, Nintendo's games.

I don't see how ANYBODY could say those screens are bad graphics.

I'm sorry, but if you look at the screens in full size (as opposed to in the article) the background textures look pretty bad.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I've looked. I really don't think they're that terrible, they're definitely not the nicest I've ever seen but they do the job. I think the resolution will also help that, since I believe it's too high in those screens for what Wii is capable of.

Anything is an improvement after the shots of GT Pro we've seen in the other thread.

Mason said:
Ive looked. I really dont think theyre that terrible, theyre definitely not the nicest Ive ever seen but they do the job. I think the resolution will also help that, since I believe its too high in those screens for what Wii is capable of.Anything is an improvement after the shots of GT Pro weve seen in the other thread.

That's too true - I think some people on NeoGAF were suspicious on whether these are from the Wii as they're in the wrong resolution apparently.

You're definitely right, anything's better than GT Pro!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Early this morning, I was on IGN checking out the graphics myself and from the screen shots I was quite suprised just how good they actually looked. However taking into consideration some of what jb said, I'll just have to wait and see it running for myself. I actaully thought that those graphics were 360 screenshots.

Its still early days for the Wii game any way, we can expect the graphics to be better and I dont doubt that. Splinter cell: Choas theory is one of the best looking Gamecube games around, its only bettered by RE4 and ZeldaTW in my opinion so Im sure the splinter Cell team will do another impressive job in the graphics department. Im more worried by the control scheme as Ive never managed to think of a good Wii ccontrol scheme for a splinter cell game.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

Doesn't look amazing... At least it looks 10x better than Far Cry...

I'm liking the look of running around with that woman in one of the screens... I think Sam's hand is straying a little close to her behind there Smilie

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Its still early days for the Wii game any way

Not that early - it's due out in the first few weeks of Wii's lifespan...

Marzy said:
You guys are some real graphics freaks. Cant you give it a rest. The graphics are perfect and theres nothing wrong with them. As long as the games are good thats all that should matter. I didnt see you complain about Goldeneyes graphics on the N64.

What the hell?? During that time obviously no we weren't because it was a step up from the SNES! You don't see any changes here do you?

You don't want to eat that pancake without maple syrup! No matter how big that pancake isSmilie

tiamat1990 said:
You dont see any changes here do you? You dont want to eat that pancake without maple syrup! No matter how big that pancake isSmilie
Smilie Best analogy ever!

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I hope you're not being sarcasticSmilieSmilie

Well, here's the thing, Wii is much more powerful than GameCube and Xbox. Developers should be already at least fairly familiar with development for Wii considering that Wii's architecture and development tools are based on GameCube's. The development tools have been streamlined and Wii's architecture and power is more efficient than GameCube's. That's saying quite a lot considering GameCube was the easiest console to develop for this past generation as well as the most effeciently designed console up to it's release. Now all this being said, we should be getting some quite amazing graphical results this first generation of Wii games. It wouldn't look quite as good as Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 games but it should look very good none the less. Take a quick look at a few games that fully utilize GameCube's graphic ability for a reference point and it can't get any clearer. Games such as Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Star Fox Adventures, Rogue Leader, Rebel Strike and Resident Evil 4 are a few excellent examples that come to mind. My fear is that devs (mainly 3rd party) have become complacent and lazy. They've settled on the notion that Wii is not all about the graphics and that it's all about the gameplay, so that being said, they're not going to take full advantage of Wii's power because they think people won't be expecting amazing graphics. Man, I hope I'm wrong.

Now I'm by no means a graphic whore or a power slut. Not that graphics don't matter at all to me, I do like pretty graphics, but it really is all about the gameplay for me. What I'm getting really upset about is that 3rd parties seem to be already under utilizing Wii's capabilities. Namely the graphics aspect. This is something that our poor GameCube had to deal with by almost every 3rd party dev. Some GC games were so graphically under utilized that the weaker PS2 version looked and performed better (which is the primary reason you have a lot of ignorant gamers claiming PS2 is more powerful than GameCube). All I want is for every dev (again, primarily 3rd pary) to not half-ass the Wii version. Splinter Cell does look good, but it could look much better. A slight graphical upgrade from the PS2 and GC builds is not utilizing Wii. That's what I'm upset about.

As far as brilliant new controls that take advantage of Wii's new interface, I can't say for certain until I play the final version, but from what I've heard and read so far they sound absolutely fantastic.

These devs better at least give Wii full fledged multiplayer modes for both split screen and wireless LAN until wi-fi components are ready or I'm going to be super pissed.

( Edited on 11.09.2006 05:33 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Hopefully the controls wont suck, if not this is another reason to delay my 360 purchase until Mass Effect.

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