Nintendo Rumour | Major news at 5am?

By John Boyle 07.09.2006 34

Update: Major news revealed: IBM Ships the Wii Chips.

Quick News Noted gaming website Joystiq are claiming that they will be posting up big news regarding one of the next gen consoles at approximately 5am GMT. With the Wii conference just a week away could this be some advance info or will it be about one of Nintendo's competitors in the console war?

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Will someone be up at 6am to report on it, if it is indeed true that is?

*tumbleweed drifts across C3 staff*


Guest 07.09.2006#3

Dreamcast Next confirmed.

Some new info, news article updated.

I'm keeping my eye on the Joystiq post for comments and upsdates from their staff, so I'll have the latest info, hopefully.

BUT according to a staff member from, the announcement today is going to be bigger than anything announced at the Leipzig games conference. w00t!

Hey, was it not 6am a few minutes ago =S. Anyways, *prays that it's wii related* hopefully we get to see something good

Hmm, could be exciting!...or a total bust. never-the-less, I can't wait until midnight my time! Smilie

It was... I can't work out time zones, and told John the wrong time Smilie Whoops.

The news will be posted at 12:01am EST, whatever time that is (think 5am is correct) Smilie

Guest 07.09.2006#8

Phil :: CSF said:
Some new info, news article updated.Im keeping my eye on the Joystiq post for comments and upsdates from their staff, so Ill have the latest info, hopefully.BUT according to a staff member from, the announcement today is going to be bigger than anything announced at the Leipzig games conference. w00t!

Well, that's not really hard now is it?

This is quite interesting, especially after Sony's little announcement...

Brawl Code 4983-6387-2983
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Hazuki get to bed now, you can get a good 7 hours sleep then get up and report it.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I'll be checking about 7:30 tomorrow when I get up, so I'd best go get some sleep.

I'll see you all with the big news in the morning! Smilie

Lol, I'm usually up pretty early so expect something from one of us here at C3 Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Nintendo will be releasing one of those "TV games" plastic shit things with 15 games built in.

Square/taito console anybody?:

( Edited on 07.09.2006 23:16 by Der SegaHund )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

HazukiSan said:
*tumbleweed drifts across C3 staff* Smilie

Star get!!

MY PREDICTION: Nintendo announcing what we're going to get with the Wii, or 2 different packs and what will be in them. We'll be lucky to find out the actual prices though, and certainly won't find a date.

In an ideal World though, tomorrow will be announcing the date. I just hope it's not nothing.

I'm guessing that Square-Enix will announce a console that will play all their NES and SNES games and will already installed on the Console.

Or Apple has purchased the phantom and is going to jump into the console race.

Nintendo will be releasing one of those "TV games" plastic shit things with 15 games built in.

...I'd buy that...

I'd say Apple home console or Wii centred news... or PS3 being MAJORLY delayed.

Sony will announce PS3's name change to PS4, because it's power is so incredible that calling it PS3 would be an understatement.

f | j | D said:
Sony will announce PS3s name change to PS4, because its power is so incredible that calling it PS3 would be an understatement.

And because by the time the delays hit we'll be onto the next next gen... Smilie

Imagine Dremacast 2 sega would be wanking everywhere in thought of the machine, anyways hope it is wii related maybe confirmation of Mario Kart Wii.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

I will be up....Watching it happen.

( Edited on 08.09.2006 00:34 by Xeke )

Gods in His Heaven. Alls right in the World.

Wii World suggested it could be news regarding a Microsoft handheld

mousir said:
Wii World suggested it could be news regarding a Microsoft handheld

I'd completely overlooked that!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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