Industry | Nintendo talk online

By James Temperton 21.05.2003 1

Iwata Speaks
Nintendo president talks about online plans...

While Microsoft is enjoying a big success with its online Live! Service, and Sony already has several games out that use PS2 online connectivity, Nintendo has never been a great fan of online gaming, its only title that is using internet connectivity is Phantasy Star Online and its launch was very low profile.

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President, explained that negative attitude towards online gaming with the fact that the big N is not too keen on having players pay a monthly subscription for a game that was bought full price.

Iwata said "I don't think its reasonable to make someone pay for a game and then make them prepare a network connection and charge a monthly fee. In the near future we are hoping to announce something that addresses this issue."

According to Reuters, Nintendo is in fact planning an online service that will work without players paying a monthly subscription.

We will have more on this soon...


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