Preview | The Italian Job

By Ross Morley 20.05.2003 1

The Italian Job
Preview of this Mini-bashing racer

Game Data

Due to this game being based on the remake of the original movie, it is set in LA. The game however, will apparently not stick too closely to the idea of the film itself. The main vehicle is still the Mini Cooper, but you can see from the screens below that you will now be racing in the new model of the car, not the classic Mini associated with the film.

The story is that you (being the oaf that you are) have been conned out of some money and you’re out to get revenge on the git who ripped you off. Driving around recklessly in a Mini Cooper may not sound like the most logical way to do it, but you will have to travel across LA’s streets, golf courses and like with the police hot on your heels to get to the crooks.

Besides the Minis, there are 9 other vehicles for you to destroy. Cars will take scratches and dents and you may find yourself in trouble when you loose a part of your vehicle.

Some interactive scenery seems to be in place seeing as you will gain points for driving through certain obstructions, such as cones, or tables and chairs beside a caf

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