Nintendo News | 6 Month Exclusivity for Rayman Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.08.2006 13

According to GoNintendo, Ubisoft confirmed that Rayman Wii will have temporary exclusivity until May 2007. Currently, the Wii version of the game is the studio's main focus, with ports only being developed when the Wii version has been completed.

Rayman Raving Rabbids launches alongside the Wii later this year. Stick with C3 for updates.

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Good stuff, I wonder how it'll be with the situation reversed - how would non-motion controls work with a game that's been designed for that scheme.

Will the other platforms receive a fully blown platformer?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

May be a good thing for convincing parents that the Wii is the way to go this Christmas. It is definitely the best console for suiting a large age range. Such a variety can only be a good thing. Smilie


good question, jb. I'm curious too.

6 months exclusivity? That's the same as in past GCN times, only reversed: they did every version before the GCN-version.
But I hope they do no special editions like with Tales Of Symphonia. This game was released on PS2 and had more content then on GCN. I hate that. It says to me: "Wait 6 months and you get better content and stuff!" So exclusivity was actually better for the console which ended exclusivity! I hope they pull nothing like that with Rayman...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

PS2 is ment to get this game as well, but who the hell would chose the PS2 version over the Wii version?

"Will the other platforms receive a fully blown platformer? "

Then it wouldnt be a port at all. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Honestly I don't care, as long as Wii gets it also! But it is good to know it is their main focus.

I thought it was just gonna stay exclusive... Either way it's not like this is a HUGE game like RE4 that you just have to have as soon as possible... I don't think anyone would mind waiting

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Thats good to hear it's not that often you see exclusive things on a Nintendo console.

Well, Marzy, I see what you mean, but you're COMPLETELY wrong.

Not surprisedSmilie

Ancel said that he wanted Rayman to be experienced by as many people as possible, but said that he was most interested with the Wii so they dediced that should taylor the game for the Wii and concentrate on other platforms later

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

I think it's great, Nintendo really should get short term exclusitivity deals more often, it could help them out, but more than that, they need 3rd party exclusives, so I think the Wii is a great time to get some 3rd party support for Nintendo. Who knows? Rayman nuts may go crazy waiting for Rayman 4, & may buy a Wii instead of their other first choice console Smilie

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I think I read somewhere that Ubisoft is refuting this...saying it's NOT exclusive for 6 months.

Remember when Rayman 3 was exclusive to the GC in the UK for just three weeks? No? Not many people knew and the exclusivity turned out to be a waste of time as it wasn't promoted enough!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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