Nintendo Media | Tomb Raider Legend Screens (GCN)

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.08.2006 8

Tomb Raider: Legend is the seventh adventure for the British heroine, Lara Croft, as she takes to the dark caves, caverns and tombs once more. This is the first time she graces her oversized curves on a full multiformat, with versions in the works for GameCube, GameBoy Advance and DS after the success of the original for PlayStation, Xbox and PC.

Tomb Raider legend is a departure from the original creator, Core, as a fresh start for Miss Croft. New level designs, details and devices compliment the modern approach for a brand new adventure. Eidos have released a selection of shots from the GameCube version, a port of the PS2 and Xbox editions.

The Nintendo versions hit stores in fall 2006.

Box art for Tomb Raider: Legend








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Doesn't look too bad. Lol, shame Lara still looks strangely out of proportion.

Maybe the new developer can take this series in a different direction, it's good that it's at least making apperances on GCN.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Looks better than the PS2 version I've played. It actually played pretty well, like a slightly inferior version of PoP.

As we are in the latter stage of it's life cyle, most PS2 games are looking very nice, so a game ported from the PS2 won't infuriate me and other GC owners out there as it would have about 3 years ago. And as jb said, it's good to see Lara make an appearance on the GC especially when it's in the last stage of it's life cycle. Killer Apps. like this and Zelda TP will see the GC off with a Big Bang.....! Smilie

Looks quite good, but I wouldn't describe it as being a killer app. Tomb Raider was a must-have franchise when it was first out, in the first two iterations, but it's steadily gone downhill over the years. This is supposed to be a return to form though with fresh developers, so who knows...

Ah bloom...

Tomb Raider is boring im into fast shoot em ups! I cant be botherd with 3rd person shooters and spy games like: Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid and the likes of Tomb Raider. Anyway the visauls look good.

Let me guess... We get the insanely toned down PS2 version despite the fact that the GC could probably handle the Xbox one again? Thought so...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

at least nintendo bypassed the dogey ones.

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hizave yizou sizeen thize hizuman bizlockhead

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