Nintendo News | Early Queues For Final Fantasy III in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.08.2006 16

Quick News: With the highly anticipated launch for one of the most popular DS games of 2006, Final Fantasy III, hitting Japan today (24th August), the Japanese public have begun to go crazy for the latest Square-Enix title. Famitsu are reporting that long lines of over 80 people have formed in the early morning in the region, all ready for some RPG action.

Stay tuned for more crazyness from Japan.

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Call me crazy, but wasn't Final Fantasy III release well over a decade ago?

( Edited on 24.08.2006 02:56 by f | j | D )

f | j | D said:
Call me crazy, but hasnt wasnt Final Fantasy III release well over a decade ago?

Lol, yeah, but still people go crazy over anything Final Fantasy - even if the Japs have played the original to death.

It's 3D, and Final Fantasy so people will still go ga-ga!

( Edited on 24.08.2006 02:18 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I so wish it was coming out in the US tonight!

jacob4000 said:
I so wish it was coming out in the US tonight!

Lol, yeah - not *too* long to wait, a few months! Hopefully they'll bring that sweet lookin' DS out in the West at some point!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

FF3 in Japan (and therefore in the world as far as console RPG goes) is historically significant. It was such a big leap from FF1 and 2, not just in the game system implemented, but also in the "feeling" of the vastness of the world.

If you like, FF3 (alongside Dragon Warrior 3) is what started the "epic" nature of console RPGs. You can think of FF3 as one of the great grandfathers of console RPGs you so enjoy today.

Lol, yeah - not *too* long to wait, a few months! Hopefully they'll bring that sweet lookin' DS out in the West at some point!

Indeed, not too long. And you are right, it is a very neat special Edition DS. I imagine sales tommorow are going to mad. Perhaps topping NSMB?

There are also quite a few girls there so that's really good!!!

All you have to do to play it is have a G6 Lite and Passcard 3 and download FF3 (J) and you're set. I played Cooking Mama already in (J), it's fun but can't wait to download the English version.

I have 164 DS games in US/EU - Of course I have the originals to.

FF3 has been available for download for about 1 week, if not more.

( Edited on 24.08.2006 08:56 by Revolution )

Guest 24.08.2006#9

Are you sure that's a line for Final Fantasy III?
Looks more like some people just relaxing in the evening.

Even if it's a line-up for FF3, are you sure it is released today/yeserday? Sorry, I just don't understand how this was available for download like a week ago.


Square will probably become a religious/worshipped word over there at some point. More mass hysteria about Final Fantasy over there than a religious event. Smilie


It doesn't look like a queue to me.

I don't think it will be included in this weeks charts and from what i have heard that DSlite sales are around 79k this week in preparation for the FF3 and just out of interest NSMB sold over 100k again

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

"ga ga".....Wow jb it's good to see someone promoting that phrase other than me. Most people pn myspace think that I invented it. : We should be going crazier than the Japs because it's the first the game's been officailly realized outside Japan, not to mention the overhaul it's been given in both the visuals and controls department.
You know if Konami and Square-Enix can go "ga ga" over the DS in the way they have. I expect them to do the same for the WiiSmilie

( Edited on 24.08.2006 13:27 by OLU1701 )

Have my copy here already!

*waves DS frantically in front of screen*


-Bart- said:
Are you sure thats a line for Final Fantasy III?Looks more like some people just relaxing in the evening.

Yeah, there all just hanging out for no particular reason in the middle of the night. Smilie

( Edited on 24.08.2006 17:54 by jacob4000 )

cool this is the big seller for the ds this month.

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