Nintendo Media | Rayman Raving Rabbids Wii Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.08.2006 8

Rayman has taken Nintendo's Wii by storm, and continues to improve in Ubisoft's latest batch of screenshots. From a beach to disco, a graveyard to desert, the limbless hero goes against the alien rabbits to save his world from destruction. As previously revealed, Rayman is a part game for Wii, where players go through a series of challenges disguised as clever mini-games, events and boss battles to try to impress the creatures.

Rayman Raving Rabbids launches alongside the Wii later this year.

Stay tuned for updates.

Box art for Rayman Raving Rabbids








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (10 Votes)

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Wow.. this game is looking stunning. Those are probably the best screens for a Wii game I've seen so far. Granted, they're not as impressive as something rendered for the PS3/360, but they sure are looking really sharp!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

They really do look awesome. Have to disagree with you there JB, I think they look graphically more impressive than most of the crap seen on the 360.

Who knows what Nintendo is up to with Wii's graphics. Just because it's proccessor doesnt run at 4GHZ doesn't mean it's GPU won't kick ass.

Who knows what Nintendo is up to with Wii's graphics. Just because it's proccessor doesnt run at 4GHZ doesn't mean it's GPU won't kick ass.

I guess so, they are definitely looking smoother than some appauling 360 games I've seen, guess we'll have to see this in action to see how it works out.

I certainly aint judging the Wii on specs alone, or at all, given that numbers really don't mean much when different companies use different means of measuring things.

It is the best looking Wii game atm by far imo.

( Edited on 24.08.2006 01:06 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Oh man...I just thought about buying it again. Who cares if it's mini-games?? It looks bloody impressive!!

I have to disagree. Super Mario Galaxy still looks the best.

I have never liked Rayman, especially the DS version. I bought the DS Rayman and took it back the next day. However this game does look good so I will make sure to check it out.


Damn it looks fun to play. Rayman II was awsome, this looks great visually and gameplay-wise. Looks really fun and wacky!

I am not a fan of Rayman and probably won't get it but I do think the screenshots are of a very good quality. I am impressed. My favourite is the cardboard box one. Nice Metal Gear salute there. Smilie


well it loooks good but the mini games are here and i dont know if i want it anymore.

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