Nintendo News | LucasArts Team-up With Free Radical

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.08.2006 15

Quick News: During the Game Conference in Leipzig, LucasArts announced an agreement with Free Radical, of Timesplitters/Second Sight fame, to develop a new game for next-gen platforms. "Free Radical has always been about titles with great gameplay and innovative design," Peter Hirschmann, Vice President of Product Development at LucasArts.

Further details on the game are to be revealed at a later date. Stay tuned for updates.

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does next-gen platforms mean we get in on the action- remember, we don't get Haze

Thought Free Radical didn't like the Wii because of technical limitations or something? Or was that just for Haze?

They only said Haze is restricted on the Wii because of the technology, they never said they didnt like the Wii (or you could say Haze doesnt like the Wii).

( Edited on 24.08.2006 00:32 by Negatio )

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

Hmm, I really hope they do bring out a version for the Wii, thankfully they weren't platform specific. Here's hoping for a good Star Wars title!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

LucasArts has stated that it will support all platforms. However, Free Radical can chose to develop their own, in house, game for whatever platform they choose, like their doing with Haze.

jb, a version of Haze will not come to the Wii. This game is being developed to specifically support High Definition Resolutions. Hopefully, since the Wii is cheap to devlop for that Free Radical will create a FPS game specifically for the Wii.

Lucas-Arts developing on Wii...can we all have a moment of silence please...

I don't care about Star Wars at all really, there are already more of these than what I am looking forward to and this being Monkey Island 5!


*does a victory dance*

I'm guessing it'll be the lightsaber game but it could be something else... If it's something else then, WOOO! Free Radical game!

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Awesome news. Here's hoping this is directly tied to the oh so anticipated lightsaber game for Wii. Free Radical has always had a pretty good relationship with Nintendo and they've expressed a big interest in developing for Wii. Not to mention they've got an extremely talented staff. At the expense of the now muted Microsoft owned Rareware.SmilieSmilie

What I REEEEAAAALLLLLYYY want (stating for the millionth time) is Rogue Squadron IV for Wii. Wii's interface would be perfect for Rogue Squadron. Robust co-op and vs. modes both on & offline are a must. It would be really great if they made all the craft & weapons technically accurate and added more simulator-like aspects. An optional controle scheme that allowed true 360 degree free flight would be really nice for us advanced gamers.

If Factor 5 is going to turn their backs on us Nintendo fans, than hopefully LucasArts would get another dev who's at least equally talented. Or maybe Factor 5 will change their minds about developing for Wii (again).Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

jb, a version of Haze will not come to the Wii. This game is being developed to specifically support High Definition Resolutions. Hopefully, since the Wii is cheap to devlop for that Free Radical will create a FPS game specifically for the Wii.

Sorry if you got confused there - I meant a version of whatever this LucasArts/Free Radical project was. Knew about Haze because i reported it when it broke a little while ago.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I don't care about Star Wars at all really, there are already more of these than what I am looking forward to and this being Monkey Island 5!

I love Star Wars, but hell yeah!

Go back to the point 'n click gameplay from the first three titles rather than the Grim Fandango style of number 4 and the Wii would be PERFECT for it!

Shame it'll never happen, though. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

It's possible that Monkey Island 5 will happen at some point (though probably just for PC). Whether we want it to happen, after the mess that was number four though, is another matter altogether...I'll never understand why they scrapped their PERFECT style and engine for the series from Curse Of Monkey Island for the shoddy one used in Escape From Monkey Island.

This could be the Star Wars game that's been rumoured to be being developed by LucasArts for Wii, but I could see them doing that in-house or farming it out to Ubisoft instead. Maybe it really is an all-new title, LucasArts have allegedly changed of late and want to go back to their 'golden age' with lots of new series rather than just relying on their old ones...

Whether or not this game comes to Wii, Free Radical will end up developing for the system. The company traditionally like Nintendo, since quite a few of them used to be in Rare and thus were close to them.

I dont think the wii is gettig this one guys. free radical have already said the wii is not powerful enough.

We don't even know what 'this one' is. It's not like they can't downscale the game if LucasArts want it on all platforms.

Oh my god I didn't even think about a Monkey Island... 4... Because Escape from Monkey Island doesn't exist...

In any case as long as it's point and click (which would work HELLA WELL ON WII!!!) I'll be happy... Just... Don't remind me of... That THING...

I feel sick just thinking about it

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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