Nintendo Media | Fierce Deity Link Figure Complete

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.08.2006 30

As previously reported, a series of Nintendo characters are being transformed into high quality collectable statues from First 4 Figures, complete with every inch of hand crafted detail.

The first in the Nintendo collection is the Fierce Deity Link, a dark and mysterious warrior that emerges in the Nintendo 64 classic, Majora's Mask for the final showdown with the evil mask... The statue takes on the world at over 14.5 inches, with incredible hand painted detail and made from high quality poly-stone, it's certainly something to show off to fellow gamers. The statues are said to be in limited production, with only 2,500 pieces available worldwide.

Fierce Deity is set to retail for $129(US) and around

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Does anyone have a store at hand that delivers to Germany or even one in Germany itself (url please)? I want to preorder this Item, but does not deliver gadgets outside the UK (why, for heaven's sake?)...!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Hey guys what if Firce deity link was a playable character in Smash Bros Browl or Soul Caliber 4?

Laurelin said:
againSmilieoes anyone have a store at hand that delivers to Germany or even one in Germany itself (url please)? I want to preorder this Item, but does not deliver gadgets outside the UK (why, for heavens sake?)...!

Check C3 store..

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

you mean thisone? Smilie

what C3-store?
I did not find the figurine in any of the partner-stores - I did not check, though, but I doubt it. *sniff*

( Edited on 08.08.2006 21:30 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

that would be awsome if Firce deity link was on super smash soul cal.4

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