Nintendo News | Wii Takes Part In Mortal Kombat

By Mike Mason 01.08.2006 23

Update 2:The official press release for the game is as follows:

idway Games Inc. (NYSE: MWY), a leading interactive entertainment industry publisher and developer, today announced that four, all-new limited Premium Editions of Mortal Kombat

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The more support the better, even if the franchise has been going downhill. I think Shaolin Monks was supposed to be decent, though!

good news, didn't they previously say that they wern't going to bring it to Wii or something Or did I make it up?

Oooh, excellent. May feel weird with the Wii controller though, so hopefully it uses the standard/traditional setup.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

teh_gam3r said:
good news, didnt they previously say that they wernt going to bring it to Wii or something Or did I make it up?

Yeh..think so. Some guy said that he was skeptical if a beat 'um up could work on the Wii. Very helpful i'm sure. Smilie

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

All confirmed now, it seems. Thanks, Midway!

Maybe it's a sign of Nintendo allowing developers to use traditional control schemes? I really don't want to have to completely ditch the old method of play.

However, a fighter with the Wii-specific system would be interesting to experience.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

That would be ko-kreat...sorry, co-creator Tobias Boon Smilie Seems his uncertainty has been phased out by Nintendo! Good to hear Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Yeah, hopefully. I can't see it working that well with motion sensing, so maybe it'll be put the Virtual Console pad to use. Then again, if a fast paced fighter like Dragonball Z will be using motion sensing, maybe this could too...

I want some fucking NiGHTS confirmation!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Maybe it'll get announced at Leipzig if we're verrry lucky. That is, if they're even doing one...

The more games the better!!

*insert generic comment*

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Mason said:
Yeah, hopefully. I cant see it working that well with motion sensing, so maybe itll be put the Virtual Console pad to use. Then again, if a fast paced fighter like Dragonball Z will be using motion sensing, maybe this could too...

Isn't DBZ third person though? *I think* Split screen?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Mortal Kombat would also be a third person game. You mean first person? I'm not sure, perhaps. I'd still prefer MK on the Virtual Console pad anyway.

Old interview about the Wii-mote back when it was a Rev-mote:

"You know, I don't know how you could [without loads of buttons] ... so maybe [Nintendo] will compensate by tilting one way for blocking or another way for attack. But that is so dramatically different. So it will either be one of the biggest hits in the world or a big failure."

Looks like Ed Boon likes the parry-nunchuck controller, and thinks Wii is a big hit. Happy days Smilie

( Edited on 01.08.2006 22:36 by nin10do )

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Mason said:
Mortal Kombat would also be a third person game. You mean first person? Im not sure, perhaps. Id still prefer MK on the Virtual Console pad anyway.

By 3rd person I mean 3rd person from behind the characters instead of playing from the side like a normal fighter.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

more third party support, oh yeah

Yes!! I can't fucking wait for this game!! Plus, it's the only next-gen console to get this game. Well so far anyway...they might also announce it for the other two consoles but as far as I'm concerned it's only the current-gen ones and the Wii.

I actually just saw the E3 clip for this game last night. It looks rather nice, the amount of characters is excellent. The character designer does look a bit weak though. Good to see some more support.

jb said:
Mason said:Mortal Kombat would also be a third person game. You mean first person? Im not sure, perhaps. Id still prefer MK on the Virtual Console pad anyway.
By 3rd person I mean 3rd person from behind the characters instead of playing from the side like a normal fighter.
Yeah, it's a fighter that has the camera behind the characters, although that's only the case in the Budokai Tenkachi games, the original Budokai games were just 'traditional' fighters. Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

i think a fighter could work amazingly well with the motion sensing. ready to rumble and other boxing games will prove that side of it. but then that only concentrates on bobbing weaving and two fists. i did work out how a fighting game could work on the wii. it just means that you press a button to change the attck. i.e. no buttons = punches, press A and move= kicks, press B and move= throws, z and move = special attacks or in this case finishing moves. oh and press omeother button and move to block.

as far as fighting games go, we need a good 3d street fighter, SC, and i would love a new fighters destiny excellent fighter on the n64 published by ocean. go buy the rights nintendo, its a clasic. the cow made me laugh.

Maybe it's a sign of Nintendo allowing developers to use traditional control schemes? I really don't want to have to completely ditch the old method of play. /quote]
Design always follows the function. It is of no use to press for the new control-method when it's no use to do so.
But watch Metroid and DBZ. I think it is possible to move in Mortal Kombat in a similar way. I just am sceptical when doing a traditional fighting game like Soulcalibur - will it work with Wiimote? Show it to me and I want it too. But it has to be good.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Guaranteed sales if that little fella with a master sword dressed in a green suit were in it

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