Nintendo Speculation | Region Free Wii?

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.07.2006 24

Speculation has begun to circle on the net on the Wii's region specifications. Will the Wii be region-free and be able to play games from any country... or does Nintendo mean online service being region free?

Arguably one of the best features about Nintendo's portables is the capability to play games from any regions, allow for a successful and thriving import market and for hardcore players to play their favourites a few days or weeks earlier then expected. In a recent interview with IGN, Nintendo's Vice President of Marketing and Corporate Communications, Perrin Kaplan, discussed the topic of being "region free", but this could refer to something different to what one would instantly assume.

"Clearly, the success of Nintendo DS has offered a lot of lessons about what works in the marketplace - and we certainly intend to keep our fans satisfied.

For the Wii system, we are finalizing all the relevant details and will be making announcements in the coming months. We know that isn't what you all want to hear (or read) but at least we are being honest! We will share a lot of ways people can play globally, regionally, without boundaries. You're right that the region-free approach has proved to be a successful and attractive feature for Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection on Nintendo DS - we have even blown the doors off our own anticipated numbers!

Cost, ease-of-use and player privacy are the three things that were a focus for us with Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Those priorities also will apply to the Wii system."

Various publications have instantly jumped on the statement to assume that the Wii will have region free capabilities; however this seems very unlikely given Nintendo and other home console manufacturer's stances on the matter in the past.

It seems that instead of being region free hardware wise, Kaplan is stating that multiplayer on the DS is region free, i.e. not being restrained to a physical area to be able to play others for she specifically states that being region free has been an "attractive feature for Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection on Nintendo DS"

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I swear she should really consider her choice of words - she's always coming up with new ways to screw up our minds! Now Nintendo fanboy sites are all claiming some shit about region free... bleh!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Read this i doubt the Wii will be region free due to as you said Nintendo stance witht this issue on previous consoles

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Mr.Ashcroft said:
Read this i doubt the Wii will be region free due to as you said Nintendo stance witht this issue on previous consoles

Yep - I think it's people taking her statement out of context too. Without the "Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection" bit in her statement it would really cause a lot of rumours and all sorts.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

it was a bit confusing to say the leastSmilie

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Lets name and shame some sites!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

That would be mad be it true. I can important US games which come out earlier, or at least order games that don't come to Australia or have stopped coming to Australia.

I think it WILL BE region free to all intents and purposes (just like DS and every other Nintendo portable before it).

Think about it: the Wii is rumoured to be launching near-simultaneously across 3 continents within a space of a few weeks. DS releases have, too, narrowed to just a few weeks between Japan, Americas and Europe (excepting major software shifts such as the "Touch Generation" software for which Nintendo needed more time to get the right marketing message).

If they do have region-lockout (say, for 3rd parties) it will probably be implemented through a software solution rather than the hardware itself.

If they continue with their DS approach it will be region free. However, this may affect us because if all us 'hardcore' gamers see a game we like in USA before it comes out here, we may all import it leading to reduced sales figures and possible future releases down the drain...

It would be the most massive u-turn ever if it was region free.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Unless Nintendo are planning to give each region the same software without bias, then personally I think that the Wii should be region free. That way games that florish in one region say Japan, than in America hence the likelihood of not being released in the West, can be easily imported by the few willing to buy them without the need of software/hardware mods. All in all both gamers and Nintendo benefit from Wii being region-free..Smilie

( Edited on 27.07.2006 15:39 by OLU1701 )

The whole point in having a region lockout is so that you can charge more in some countries than in others. Nintendo practicaly invented the concept.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

It's a possibility but I doubt it would happen, the only reason the DS is region free is cause you take it on holidays with you and you might want to pick up a game over there.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

All Nintendo hand helds are region free, and as far as I know, all non-Nintnedo handhelds. There's not a lot of point making them region specific because they'd just be imported even more due to not having country specific mains power requirements or TV standards.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I think it will be region specific. There's really not a lot of a point in changing it, only a handful of people import games.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I reckon it'll end up being region specific, just allowing you to play internationally over the Internet without needing you to share a region with your opponent.

Mason said:
I reckon itll end up being region specific, just allowing you to play internationally over the Internet without needing you to share a region with your opponent.

Just like almost every other online service then. Why did she even bother saying it?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Maby she wanted to dodge the question of the wii being region free so just talked a bit of poop.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Blade2t3 said:
Maby she wanted to dodge the question of the wii being region free so just talked a bit of poop.

Perrin kaplin talking shit, never....SmilieSmilie

Ah the ever-confusing, sometimes misunderstood voice of Nintendo. Why don't they let Reggie do everything? At least you'd get straight answers then, well almost

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Der SegaHund said:
Just like almost every other online service then. Why did she even bother saying it?

Exactly. It was stupid. I can't remember a time Kaplin has ever answered a question straight.

Exactly. It was stupid. I can't remember a time Kaplin has ever answered a question straight.

Exactly - she's caused quite a lot of fuss in the gaming community by giving annoying answers at times.

I still reckon it's only talking about the region free online service with the Wii being the company's proper online console to taking gamers beyond their physical regions or some shite like that.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Its obvious, isn't it?

The DS software is region free because they don't have to worry about what screen its going to be connected to- they sell the entire unit.

The wii will not be region free because the consoles have to be different because of NTSC, PAL etc.

The online service will be region free, though. You'll be able to play people from all over the world.

msenyszak said:
Its obvious, isnt it?The DS software is region free because they dont have to worry about what screen its going to be connected to- they sell the entire unit.The wii will not be region free because the consoles have to be different because of NTSC, PAL etc.The online service will be region free, though. Youll be able to play people from all over the world.
How I love the answers that are ever so obvious but given oh so late... Nice thinkingSmilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Shinji_Zooka said:
msenyszak said:Its obvious, isnt it?The DS software is region free because they dont have to worry about what screen its going to be connected to- they sell the entire unit.The wii will not be region free because the consoles have to be different because of NTSC, PAL etc.The online service will be region free, though. Youll be able to play people from all over the world.
How I love the answers that are ever so obvious but given oh so late... Nice thinkingSmilie

I've been away.

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