Quick News - We already showed you the print advert for Animal Crossing: The Animated Movie, but now the official website is live, complete with a small trailer for the film itself. Be sure to follow the link below and check out the site in general:
Animal Crossing Trailer" />
By Adam Riley 18.07.2006 15
Quick News - We already showed you the print advert for Animal Crossing: The Animated Movie, but now the official website is live, complete with a small trailer for the film itself. Be sure to follow the link below and check out the site in general:
doesnt really show you much...
So that's where those scans came from, then. I wanna see more, I still have an inkling/feeling it's going to turn out to be fairly decent!
Is nintendo making this in the same way SqaureEnix made there Final Fantasy films or is it out sourced with nintendo over seeing it?
It looks to be abit sweet but seeing more of it might change my mind
It looks to be abit sweet
Well it was hardly going to be a gritty indy filmakers look into the urban depravation found in Animal Crossing Sweet, bright, cheerful. IF this get's translated I may take it upon myself to review it for anyone who'd care to listen
i think this is made by nintendo as they did set up their own animation studio in house over a year ago. i believe.
could be wrong though
This looks like old school animation (like early Disney or Saturday morning cartoons in the eighties), but I'm sure it will take off like a rocket in Japan.
I'm surprised they've gone for a film. Wouldn't AC be better suited to daily, short TV episodes?
I am sure it will do well in japan not sure about anywhere else.
HazukiSan said:
Im surprised theyve gone for a film. Wouldnt AC be better suited to daily, short TV episodes?
Very good point yeah it would be far more suited to a series of short cartoons
But no one would watch the cartoons. The only people I'd see watching the cartoons would be fans of the games, not girls. I see a bigger fanbase with the movie, imo.
Hpw stupid does that look?
I love that music in the begining.. its the same one from the Ads
i wonder if this will make it to Europe!?!?!
HazukiSan said:
Im surprised theyve gone for a film. Wouldnt AC be better suited to daily, short TV episodes?
I agree that that would be a better idea for it, but oh well, they've decided on a film
I think a cartoon series would be a great idea, but I also agree with what Tag said, either way, I think it's pretty neat.