Nintendo Media | Zelda: Twilight Princess Artwork (Wii Gamecube)

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.07.2006 31

Nintendo have released a selection of artwork from the upcoming Zelda adventure for GameCube and Wii, Twilight Princess. Various scenes and characters from the title are shown, including some very peculiar ones that are itching to be seen..

The artwork depicts various scenes from Hyrule, including what seems to be a very lonesome Link, the lone wolf, the entrance to a cave/dungeon and the inside of a house. There's a nice sense of scale and level of detail that's really been squeezed into every inch of Link's latest adventure.

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Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess





Action Adventure



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Oooooo i must say im very impressed by the amount of screens released and the amount of detail in them. This is still my most anticipated game and looking at these screens makes me want the Wii and Zelda even more!!

Bleep bleep blork bleep

yeah some nice art work there my favorite has to be the goron in armour he looks cool.

I always loved Zelda-Artwork from Ocarina till this days. The one from Ocarina is absolutely stunning and Link is painted beautifully. That's why I bought the strategy guide from both.
And now again everythink is absolutely beautiful drawn! I want and Artbook!
Thanks, jb, for these pictures...!

These - being production scribbles - are having an odd shape, similar to the ones from Elder Scrolls III - Oblivion. They are not as gorgeous as the production paintings like the early Link-pictures, but very interesting nonetheless...

( Edited on 13.07.2006 10:23 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I just love the Hyrule artwork, it's just so unique and different. The goron design is so good, really loving that style of character. Definitely can't wait for this awesome, awesome game!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Smilie when i play this game i think ill die becost my raw will drop so low i cant eat and be playing it for ever

Nice, but not as good as Panzer Dragoon art:

Image for

Image for

The Art of Panzer Dragoon

( Edited on 13.07.2006 10:59 by jb [who is a silly fat puff)Smilie

( Edited on 13.07.2006 11:14 by Der SegaHund )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Looking superb! Nintendo never cease to amaze!

Very nice. It look s like its much deeper than wind waker

Don't knock it. Wind Waker's was good.

What I like about Hylian is for ONCE we don't have a LOTR rip-off world. With elves, dwarves, gnomes and all those other stock races. They are getting somewhat old and stale. Hylia is quite different and gives the game a big plus.

Z said:
Dont knock it. Wind Wakers was good. What I like about Hylian is for ONCE we dont have a LOTR rip-off world. With elves, dwarves, gnomes and all those other stock races. They are getting somewhat old and stale. Hylia is quite different and gives the game a big plus.
I loved Wind waker I really should of said it looks deeper than any Zelda game before it.

Oh, sorry. My mistake then.

Loving the artistic style, keep forgetting this will be a Wii launch title. The wait is almost over Smilie

Its fine. But I like the soldier, Do you think he's an enimie or a friend, either way I want his shieldSmilie

( Edited on 13.07.2006 13:40 by LuigiGBA )


the soldier has a Hyrule Symbol

yeah but sometimes they get brainwashedSmilie

Der SegaHund said:
( Edited on 13.07.2006 10:59 by jb [who is a silly fat puff)Smilie


Puerile? Er, no... Smilie

Yep I like the Goron one they look bigger and stronger than they did in Ocarina Of Time. Like the landscape art work as well.

One question: Where is the new Zelda set is it in Hyrule?

I think so but I'm not sure. I don't think it's been confirmed.

Big evil Goron? Smilie

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Ooo! You cheater, you! Smilie

Some more, from GCC.

Image for

Well that's by FAR the best... Infact... I'll have to steal that ^^;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

TBH, the Art style really is similar to that of Wind Waker, seriously, if we notice the patterns & ruins & such on Minda, it looks a lot like the stuff from Wind Waker, with the whole patterns thing on the Poe's faces, the Tower of Gods, & the KargaRoc's front Smilie

Look at the patterns on Minda's arms, legs & helmet... thing. They looks very Wind Wakery Smilie

( Edited on 14.07.2006 17:37 by Superlink )

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I think you mean Minda Smilie


I think you meant MidnaSmilie


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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