Nintendo News | Band Brothers & Cooking DS for Europe, Plus Wii Updates

By Adam Riley 30.06.2006 16

Popular Spanish gaming website recently interviewed Nico Wegnez, Nintendo of Spain's Marketing Director. Below is a brief summary of what was discussed (thanks to escandell of NeoGAF for the translation):

  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Currently Nintendo is unsure whether it will follow the US line and release two SKU here in Europe or just the one for both GameCube and Wii editions. The situation is being evaluated right now to see what is most viable for this region.

  • Nintendo Wii Launch - It could release in Europe as soon as ten days after the Japanese launch (for example, the last week of October for Japan and the first week of November in Europe). Whatever the case, it will DEFINITELY make 2006 as Nintendo is keen not to make gamers wait as they did with the Nintendo 64 and GameCube. The promise is to make it in time for the Christmas campaign (which apparently starts on 15th November in Spain).

  • Virtual Console Details - Game releases may well be between 5 and 10 Euros (probably

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    The number sold currently lies at around the 275,000-280,000 mark and leaves Nintendo Spain feeling sad about how poor it has performed.

    Fucking hell, thats abysmally poor. The DSlite sold over half that number this week in japan...

    Yeah, seems like Spanish people don't really like their GC's as much as the recent of Europe - a lot of stores over there seem to focus heavily on Sony/Microsoft with "mature/cool" games.

    Good stuff on the pre-pay cards idea, would be a good one to encourage a lot of people to use the service, and make it a helluva lot safer too! Hopefully card use will be allowed too though, as I wouldn't want to go down to a store just to top up.

    ( Edited on 30.06.2006 12:47 by jb )

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Mason said:
    ]The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess - [/b]Currently Nintendo is unsure whether it will follow the US line and release two SKU here in Europe or just the one for both GameCube and Wii editions. The situation is being evaluated right now to see what is most viable for this region.

    SmilieWhat's an SKU?

    Less posty, more gamey.

    artmonkey said:
    Mason said:]The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess - [/b]Currently Nintendo is unsure whether it will follow the US line and release two SKU here in Europe or just the one for both GameCube and Wii editions. The situation is being evaluated right now to see what is most viable for this region.
    SmilieWhats an SKU?

    I second that.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Stock keeping unit. Each product has a different one to help out retailers, to put in their systems and keep track of how much stock they have in of a certain product. By saying that they're not sure of the number of SKU for Zelda in Europe, it means they're not certain whether they'll release both a Wii version and a GC version separately, or if they'll release both in one package. means they're not certain whether they'll release both a Wii version and a GC version separately, or if they'll release both in one package.

    I as a gamer would like to have both in one package, because even if I want to buy the Wiiversion, maybe I want the old controls back. And GCN-Users may buy the product and play it on GCN and then think: "Wait a minute, I got a biiig 12-cm-disk for Wii here in the package - let me buy one!"

    That would be great. Please release it in on package. I even would buy a wonderful special Edition with other goodies...

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    I'd like both together as well. I think you can use the traditional controls in the Wii version as well though, using the GC controller, if rumours are correct...Perrin Kaplan of NoA implied it a while back, around E3.

    I fully agree with you Laurelin.

    If I bought the Wii version and then found that I didn't like the controls, I'd rather go back to the traditional method and plug in a GameCube controller. But if the GC version is sold separately, I'd be really pissed off.

    They should bundle both GC and Wii discs in the game case to keep everyone happy.

    Or, they could allow an option in the Wii version to let you select a GC controller method. Either way, I want both control methods available when I buy the game for Wii.

    ( Edited on 30.06.2006 14:15 by Phazink )

    Mason: Even If you can not, then it is possible to start anew on Wii with Gamecube-emulation.

    Plug in your GCN-Controller, insert memorycard and begin an new game. You do not have your savegame, though.

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    if the GC version is sold separately, I'd be really pissed off.

    If the two game are bundled that's a cost of $100.00. Not very many gamers are willing to pay that amount for any game. Furthermore what about gamers that only want the Gamecube or the Wii version and not both. They'd be forced to own a copy of a game that they do not want. Nintendo would not hurt the sales of Zelda in this way. It's better to let gamer's decide which version(s) that they want and let the retail outlets be the one to provide the bundles.

    I don't know why they can't just code the one disc so it's recognised differently in both systems.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    jesusraz said:
    I dont know why they cant just code the one disc so its recognised differently in both systems.

    That's what I wish they'd do, it'd be so much easier. They can do it for Game Boy games (having certain items appear on GBA that weren't on GBC), why not here?

    Oh, and Adam, I accidentally didn't change the code when I first posted this, so sorry it's got my name on it in the forums. The news post has yours on, though!

    Smilie The old JB trick...! Smilie

    Yeah, didn't the Zelda Oracles games have some hidden shop when played on a GBA or something? So long since I played those!

    As for the other stuff, I'm holding out for Electroplankton to do better here than anywhere else in the world so far.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    I hope they at least do SOMETHING in store with Electroplankton, or even a TV ad or two, or just a magazine advert. If they're not expecting it to do well, then not advertising it isn't exactly going to help, it's almost as if they want it to fail. If they'd advertise it I could see it getting into the top 40, but I bet they bloody don't. Putting it in the corner of a DS Lite advert is NOT putting the game forward, Nintendo...

    EDIT: And yep, hidden shop in Oracles games.

    ( Edited on 01.07.2006 00:49 by Mason )

    The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Currently Nintendo is unsure whether it will follow the US line and release two SKU here in Europe or just the one for both GameCube and Wii editions. The situation is being evaluated right now to see what is most viable for this region.

    Please god let that be true... I don't wanna have to buy 2 versions!! Smilie

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    AHHHH!!! An update on Jam With The Band!! I was getting really worried...

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