Update | Nintendo of Korea & Shareholder Discussions

By Adam Riley 29.06.2006 23

Japanese website Nintendo Inside has just confirmed that a meeting did indeed just take place today in Japan. Apparently it was a general shareholders meeting in Kyoto, with areas for the Wii to be experienced in (games such as Wii Sports, a Duck Hunt shooting style title and WarioWare: Smooth Moves were on show, all seemingly confirmed for a 2006 release).

According to reports stemming from Reuters, shareholders rejected a company proposal that would allow the board to make major decisions on the timing and size of dividends without their prior approval. This is the first time Nintendo shareholders have actually gone against a company proposal.

A Nintendo spokesperson went on record to state:

"The proposed change was intended to give Nintendo's board a bit more autonomy, so that dividends can be paid out quickly without waiting for approval at a general shareholders' meeting. But apparently we could not win enough understanding from shareholders."

Currently, Nintendo's shares are 0.5 percent at 19,070 yen from the late afternoon there (Japan is nine hours ahead of British time).

Elsewhere, the company has confirmed that Nintendo of Korea will be set up on 7th July in order to focus on that particular market for the first time. Products were previously sold in that territory via Daiwon, similar to how Nintendo sells its hardware and software through iQue in China. The head office will be in South Korea's capital city Seoul and the starting capital will be 25,000,000,000 won (it is roughly 2,000 won to the Pound, so ~

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Hopefully! Serious news drought here, not as bad as before E3 but bad enough thank you!

Hopefully we'll get some Wii updates soon! Dying to see how it'll all come together Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Please let this be true

It will just be release dates for japan, imo.

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If they do release dates for Japan, it probably means we'll be a step closer to getting western ones as well, and they'll be coming out for here soon too.

Woo! Fingers crossed that it's true! Smilie

I really hope they confirm release dates! Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

japanese wii in october for the win!just do it nintendo!

Well if the japanese wii release date is given tomorrow it will give us a time scale for what will most likely when the Euro release is

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Wasnt the official line from Nintendo "More news on Wii in September?"

SKI said:
Wasnt the official line from Nintendo More news on Wii in September?

Since when have Nintendo botthered about changing their minds:

Monday: "There is NO DS remake planned"

Tuesday: "This is the DS Lite!"


well fingers crossed that it is good solid news, game pics , date and price. im excited.

That was a denial though, they were just pissed nobody was surprised. They probably thought- "We would could've gotten away with it if it wasnt for those pesky little brats"


I'm about as excited as only a true geek can get right now. OH, shit. OH! shit!

Nah, to be honest, I doubt much will happen at this meeting. Perhaps just a rundown and a few tidbits, but I doubt there'll be anything on the price/release of the console.

Though it has been said that Suda51 would reveal Heroes in the coming months (I believe he said 'in the summer'), so this could fit in.

Well we'll find out in time, so 2moro/2day whatevere! I'm more concerned with trying to save some money up to buy as much as poss on release day!

Just updated the news with what Adam (Jesusraz) sent down Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

city of heroes was a great game, i truely hope itcomes out on the Wii. i doubt it will tho

Good to see Nintendo reaching out to the likes of Korea. Korea is a big online PC playing country and I'm sure something like the Wii would make an impact there too.

Yeah it makes sense to try to tap into such a big market, even with rife piracy.

WOuld S.Korea be rife in piracy i thought it would be similiar to Japan saying that is capitalist.

Nintendo are being very smart here, korea is massive market far bigger than the UK&Ireland market but it wouldn't be easy from what i have heard that Korea is fond of the playstation brand

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

SmilieCity of Heroes on WiiSmilieSmilieSmilie

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