Nintendo News | Mario Runs Riot in the US As Well!

By Adam Riley 23.06.2006 10

Sales of Nintendo's New Super Mario Bros. are nearly on their way to the two million mark in Japan after just four weeks, but the success does not end there as the game is going strong in the US as well!

There is good news for Nintendo all round right now. Currently its New Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo DS has surpassed 1.6 million sales after only four weeks of release in Japan, whilst the Nintendo DS Lite is continously outselling all other systems combined in that territory. But the success has also filtered across to the Us, with the first true Mario 2D title since 1991's Super Mario World topping the US chart for May.

But Nintendo has now confirmed, following its announcement that the DS Lite sold more than 136,500 units just two days after its 11th June launch, that New Super Mario Bros. has eclipsed the 500,000 units mark after its original release on 15th May. And with sales reportedly doubling after the DS Lite's release, higher sales are on their way!

Make sure you read Cubed3's review of the US version here and stay tuned for more coverage as the European launch on 30th June draws ever closer.

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Woah...I knew it would sell well. But this is just ridiculous.

( Edited on 23.06.2006 10:45 by Z )

hmmmm i hope i can get one when they come on ^^ *look to pre-order*

Heh, well one of those 500,000 is mine, I imported it a while ago since waiting this long for something that really doesn't need much translating is so pointless.

Incidentally, us Europeans better buy it, or I'll be most upset!

TimoteiWest said:
I imported it a while ago (...) us Europeans better buy it, or Ill be most upset!

Depends how many imported it a while ago. Smilie

Yeah, it was really hard to find a copy while I was in the US - there was one left in EB but the people behind the till were retarded and couldn't get the Windows 98 system to reboot.

Shame tho, as the exhange rate is wicked.

I could have gotten mine on eBay for

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well looks like another 9am trip to GAME for me on Friday. Annoying thing is that the people in my GAME dont understand the preordering system...

I could have gotten mine on eBay for

I got my copy today today off

Best importing website in my eyes.

King of the 'League of Kings'||My deviantART|| My Photography

people are going crazy for this game!!!! great news for Nintey!!!! and this just shows how much people love Mario!!!

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Monkeyman, that's where I got my copy as well! It came about 10 days after launch, which was surprisingly slow, but considering the high demand I wasn't surprised.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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