Nintendo Wii Media | Elebits set to Invade

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.06.2006 14

Konami have released a selection of screens from the quirky Wii action game, Elebits. Feel like hunting little elebit creatures in a virtual game world? You've come to the right place.

The unique Wii exclusive is produced by Shingo Mukaitouge, bringing some quirky but innovative ideas to the platform, although potentially lacking visually. Players can use the Wii-remote to 'grab' anything in this virtual world to push, pull and manipulate objects to seek out the little critters. As Elebits are found, the world begins to expand along with new abilities being unlocked.

Be sure to read up on our Cubed3 Preview of the game!

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Box art for Eledees
Also known as










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What a shite looking title (graphically), but an interesting one concept wise - like point and click with a wireless mouse-like device!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It reeks of Chibi-Robo, the visuals and the house surroundings.

It's not my thing, but it certainly looks different.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Kind of a cross between Pikmin and Chibi-Robo, which should enjoy a lot of people, but one of those people isn't me.

I love the idea of chucking whole houses about as your power builds up.
Fantastic fun.

However, they need it to "feel" more heavy...they can have a simple graphic style, but when you pick up a house stuff should fall off it, objects near by should go flying. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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*cough*Dreamcast graphics*cough*

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

It looks weird, but I like something different.

( Edited on 26.05.2007 13:30 by Marzy )

It does indeed look terrible graphics wise, but after seeing a trailer around E3 it looks fun in a Katamari kind of way. I'm not turning my nose up at it just yet...

Yeah I saw some images around E3 I thought it was some crap puzzle game from Konami but after i saw the trailer and reading into it a bit it looks like a really promising game.

Speaking of weight - It would be awesome if the Wii-mote could simulate weight, so grabbing an object maybe heavier than others: now that would be innovation!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I did think it looked a lot like Chibi-Robo when I saw it (WHOO! Chibi-Robo!) But I saw the trailer on the ONM DVD and thought it looked kinda... wierd... But hey, it may be intresting!

Der SegaHund said:
*cough*Dreamcast graphics*cough*
You must have a heavily modified Dreamcast O.o

I don't think it looks THAT bad... But then certainly not as good as the Wii's capable of. Picking up a house looks awesome though

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Sorry Konami, but I've been waiting years for you to satiate my craving for Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill games and giving me crackers isn't going to cut it. As much as I'd like to think that getting a new game with new ideas is a good thing, I've yet to get my hands on the old games you neglect to give to me.

And although I like Pikmin, I can't say I have any interest in Chibi Robo or Katamari Damacy whatsoever, as such, some combo of those games doesn't interest me, especially if the graphics are like that. Don't get me wrong, I like simple art style but that depends on the quality and type of game. Give this to the PS3 and give the Wii MGS4 'cause I'm not going to stand for anymore "let's give them the biggest most elaborate and expensively made blockbuster and give Nintendo fans whatever cheapy game we can make."

( Edited on 23.06.2006 05:38 by Questworld )

I like it.....and it will get better obviously

Read the details of the game in the preview link in this story and read what's involved in the game as I honestly think it sounds like great fun.

If Konami does well with this 'testing the water' game, then I've no doubt we'll also see an MGS title at some point. Personally I'd like the Suikoden series...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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