Despite the game being an obvious addition to the series there will be a new central character known as Odoroki H
By Karn Spydar Lee Bianco 16.06.2006
Despite the game being an obvious addition to the series there will be a new central character known as Odoroki H
sounds good, can't wait for this to be out here although that might be a long while yet...
Heard a lot of good news about the Phoenix Wright games, if I get the money I'll pick this one up.
This should be listed as Gyakuten Saiban 4 really, since Phoenix Wright doesn't feature at all in this one.
It won't be for a while, so I'll focus on wanting the second Phoenix Wright game first!
Ah, a phoenixless game will be sad but I simply cannot wait to review this game
Have I missed 2 phoenixes?? Theres only ace attourney isnt there?
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.
There are 3 GBA games in Japan. This is the fourth game, which is DS-bound.
However, it appears that they are remaking the first three for DS with extra features. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS, port from GBA) is Gyakuten Saiban 1, and Phoenix Wright 2: Justice For All (DS, port from GBA), coming out next year I believe, is Gyakuten Saiban 2. Gyakuten Saiban 3 will probably become Phoenix Wright 3 on DS as another port from GBA eventually, and then Gyakuten Saiban 4, this one, is an entirely new DS game that doesn't feature Phoenix.
Thx Mason...
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.
No problem.
Mike Mason; The only man with an encyclopediaec knowledge and phoenix wrigth and phoenix wright related games
The only thing is that I thought that GS3 was a prequel to the Phoenix Wright series, therefore if GS4 is set seven years after that one, PW could well be making an appearance after all, no?
Perhaps he'll be the new person's boss or mentor or something...
Yep, GS3 is a prequel featuring Mia primarily I think. It's perfectly possible that the new lawyer could be mentored by Phoenix as he was by Mia, but the lack of his appearance so far leaves it as a grey area...
I saw the 2 on the DVD that they gave you with the nintendo mag.
Phoenix Wright 4 WTF!?!?! I didnt know there was that many!!!
Oh lord
Nintendo_Maniac said:
Phoenix Wright 4 WTF!?!?! I didnt know there was that many!!!
The series has been on Nintendo handhelds for a while and has been popular in Japan.
I know that but i thought they might be on the 2nd game or maybe even 3rd, but i never thought the 4th game was on the works!!!
I didn't even know there WAS a Phoenix Wright 3 0.o
Wow, it's like MegaMan! Once Capcom get a popular series running, it'll go all the way up until the 9th in the series, then it'll prolly start having "courting transmissions" & "Courting networks" or maybe the odd "Phoenix Wright X" game...
EDIT: Gargh... 'twould appear that god Ol' Mason has all the answers ye need...
So... am I right in saying that thye Japanese are gonna get the DS remakes too? 'cos obviously the DS versions of Phoenix Wright will be better graphics, & touch screen, & such, so if the West is getting all the originals ported on the DS with new features, does the same happen in Japan? Or do they just have to make do with the GBA titles?
It's all very confusing, but I really like that Japan have started to move some of their franchises over here.
( Edited on 17.06.2006 17:49 by Superlink )