Nintendo Sales | Mario Still Storming Japan!

By Adam Riley 15.06.2006 13

Software - This Week | Total Sales

1.) New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo) - 244,882 | 1,478,608
2.) Hisshou Pachinko*Pachi-Slot Kouryoku Series Vol. 5: CR Shinseiki Evangelion * Pachi-Slot Shinseiki Evangelion (PS2, D3) - 100,967 | NEW
3.) Kahashima Ryuuta Kyouju Kanshuu: Motto Nou o Kitaeru Otona DS Training (NDS, Nintendo) - 52,876 | 2,476,775
4.) World Soccer Winning Eleven 10 (PS2, Konami) - 34,880 | 761,407
[b]5.) Kahashima Ryuuta Kyouju no Nou o Kitaeru Otona DS Training (NDS, Nintendo) - 34,760 | 2,357,730
6.) Animal Crossing: Wild World (NDS, Nintendo) - 25,355 | 2,800,004
7.) Eigo ga Nigate na Otona no DS Training: Eigo Zuke (NDS, Nintendo) - 23,130 | 1,141,623
8.) Tetris DS (NDS, Nintendo) - 21,710 | 596,585
9.) Mario Kart DS (NDS, Nintendo) - 11,880 | 1,424,882
10.) Pok

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Hardware - This Week | Last Week | Total 2006 Sales

1.) Nintendo DS Lite - 132,027 | 285,025 | 2,188,134
2.) Playstation Portable - 21,656 | 24,595 | 845,614
3.) Playstation 2 - 18,981 | 18,513 | 690,909
4.) Gameboy Advance SP - 4,116 | 4,364 | 154,850
5.) Gameboy Micro - 1,654 | 1,270 | 99,141
6.) Nintendo DS - 1,371 | 1,159 | 4,126 | 869,908
7.) Xbox 360 - 1,100 | 1,245 | 52,488
8.) GameCube

1.) Nintendo DS Lite - 132,027 | 285,025 | 2,188,134
2.) Playstation Portable - 21,656 | 24,595 | 845,614

WOW! The DS-Lite almost sold thrice as much as the PSPSmilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

1.) New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo) - 244,882 | 1,478,608

Nintendo must have known they were printing money when they decided to make this game- it's already outsold Mario Kart in Japan!

Too bad hardware sales of the DS Lite took another huge dip, but I'm sure it'll begin to level off next week Smilie

its cool but there are so many games for the ds in japan that need to come out in europe and america so i can buy them yippee

Mario, the biggest cash cow in gaming. Smilie

Mario is a Legend... keep it up ninty!

DS is definitely unstoppable.
With strong July third party lineup and pokemon Wi-Fi enabled in november I predict at least 12 milions HW total for the end of the year... but in all honesty, I think it will be much, much more.

yep Mario still on top, were he deserves to be.

wooooooooohoooooooooooo!!!!!! Smilie so how long do you think this is going to last!!!!!!!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Grampasso said:
DS is definitely unstoppable.With strong July third party lineup and pokemon Wi-Fi enabled in november I predict at least 12 milions HW total for the end of the year... but in all honesty, I think it will be much, much more.

Definitely will sell extremely strongly throughout 2006, especially once the US and Euro launches of the DS Lite are out of the way and production levels increase.

Magical Vacation 2 is out on 22nd June, so that should do quite well, with Final Fantasy III set for a huge August d

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

LOL i think the Xbox is actually dead Haz.

8 titles in the top ten is absolutely amazing and 19 Nintendo formated games in the top 30!Smilie !!!!

jacob4000 said:
Mario, the biggest cash cow in gaming. Smilie

Actually that would be Pokemon or Halo...

tiamat1990 said:
jacob4000 said:Mario, the biggest cash cow in gaming. Smilie
Actually that would be Pokemon or Halo...

I don't see Halo Party 9 on the horizon anytime soon.... Smilie

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