Nintendo Sales | Mario Claims No.1 in US for May

By Adam Riley 13.06.2006 17

NPD's US Software Sales for May 2006 [ Sorted by sales ]

1.) NDS NEW SUPER MARIO BROS (Nintendo) - 275,692
2.) PS2 KINGDOM HEARTS II (Square Enix) - 168,944 (total sales: 1,318,967)
3.) NDS BRAIN AGE: TRAIN YOUR BRAIN (Nintendo) - 109,432 (total sales: 199.749)
4.) PS2 GOD OF WAR (Sony) - 106,707 (total sales: 1,144,513)
5.) 360 GHOST RECON: ADVANCED WARFI (UbiSoft) - 84,431 (total sales: 702,484)
6.) 360 ELDER SCROLLS IV: OBLIVION (Take 2) - 83,507 (total sales: 466,154)
7.) PS2 MLB '06: THE SHOW (Sony) - 81,895 (total sales: 409,745)
8.) PS2 GUITAR HERO BUNDLE (Activision) - 67,871
9.) PS2 GTA SAN ANDREAS (Take 2) - 64,520 (total sales: 6,402,804)
10.) PS2 KINGDOM HEARTS (Square Enix) - 60,236
11.) PS2 X-MEN: THE OFFICIAL GAME (Activision) ~59,000
12.) PS2 OVER THE HEDGE (Activision) ~58,000
13.) 360 FIGHT NIGHT ROUND 3 (EA) ~58,000
14.) PS2 FIFA WORLD CUP 2006 (EA) ~54,000
16.) PS2 GRAN TURISMO 4 (Sony) - Unknown
17.) 360 BATTLEFIELD 2: MODERN KOMBA (EA) ~51,000
18.) PS2 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 2K6 (Take 2) ~49,000
19.) 360 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 2K6 (Take 2) ~48,000
20.) 360 X-MEN: THE OFFICIAL GAME (Activision) ~47,000
21.) PS2 TOMB RAIDER: LEGEND (Eidos) ~43,000
22.) PS2 ACE COMBAT ZERO: THE BELKAN (Namco) ~41,000
23.) PS2 NBA BALLERS: PHENOM (Midway) ~41,000
24.) GCN OVER THE HEDGE (Activision) ~39,000
25.) 360 TABLE TENNIS (Take 2) ~39,000
26.) 360 CALL OF DUTY 2 (Activision) ~38,000
27.) 360 TOMB RAIDER: LEGEND (Eidos) ~35,000
Unknown - NDS METROID PRIME: HUNTERS (Nintendo) - 30,957
Unknown - GBA KINGDOM HEARTS: CHAIN OF MEMORIES (Square Enix) - 30,416 (total sales: 2,742,017)

Unknown - 360 FIFA WORLD CUP 2006 (EA) ~26,000
Unknown - NDS TETRIS (Nintendo) - 21,099
Unknown - 360 ELDER SCRO.IV: OBLIVION CE (Take 2) - 6,697 (total sales: 151,789)

NPD's US Hardware Sales for May 2006 [ Sorted by sales ]

1.) PlayStation 2 - 231,616 (Userbase: 33,666,596)
2.) Xbox 360 - 220,877 (Userbase: 1,725,601)
3.) PlayStation Portable - 159,659 (Userbase: 4,490,961)
4.) Game Boy Advance - 152,023 (Userbase: 32,490,952, figure is missing February 2006 sales)
5.) Nintendo DS - 145,930 (Userbase: 4,594,240)
6.) GameCube - 33,040 (Userbase: 11,150,628)

7.) Xbox - 26,353 (Userbase: 14,421,092)

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hey good to see Mario at the top, shame to see the PSP sell better this month then the DS but DS still has the bigger userbase, and wow I didnt think Brain training would actully sell very well in america.

( Edited on 13.06.2006 16:40 by teh_gam3r )

I find it hard to believe those numbers. They look like sales numbers for a week rather than a whole month. Though, I hear the NPD doesn't track stores like Wal-Mart. If so, then I don't know what the point of the NPD is, since a great deal of game sales take place at Wal-Mart.

Still it's impressive to see mario is still popular personally I thought his name would have been eroded with all the spin offs but i guess notSmilie.

The thing I find interesting is that people don't seem to be buying any games with there PSP, there is not a single game for the PSP in the top 30; maybe people are just buying it for multi-media?

Poor sales for games like Tetris and Metroid and only 3 Nintendo games in the top 30! How poor is that!

Just looking at the GBA's user base Smilie!!!

Awesome sales for Mario. Nowhere near the japanese, but then no-one excepts that... Wonder if interest will stay that high though?

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Is there really that many people in Japan for them to sell so many more copies than the UK and America? That's probably coming across as a really dumb question. Still great to see Mario at the top of the chart, but the DS isn't doing so pretty in comparison to PSP.

To answer your question TipsyRabbit, gaming with the Japanese isnt just a hobby, but is part of their culture, and btw, the charts indicate DS leading PSP in the userbase front.
Or is it the small lead that comes as a surprise?

WOW talk about PS2 domination :-s Smilie Smilie

anywat good news for NSMB!!!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Well, I'm impressed, I didn't think Mario and especially Brain Training would be that high.
Oh, and a side note, Best Buy, Circuit City, and Walmart (walmart only online) are giving away a free copy of Brain Training when you buy a DS Liteif you print off a coupon on the internet. If anyone's interested in getting it, you can find a link to the coupons on nintendo's site. If they count those copies of Brain Training that people get with the coupon, then it should get a pretty number of sales.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

supadude5000 said:
I find it hard to believe those numbers. They look like sales numbers for a week rather than a whole month. Though, I hear the NPD doesnt track stores like Wal-Mart. If so, then I dont know what the point of the NPD is, since a great deal of game sales take place at Wal-Mart.


Brain Training and New Mario seems to be selling well. Hopefully Mario will stay up there for a while as that sales table look terrible! GTASmilieA still selling?!

I think you underestimate the power of the GTA brand! Smilie Shame the DS wasn't boosted by Mario...but many could have been holding off for the DS Lite launch.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I think that would be valid assumption.

ninty need to do some major advertising in the states and europe to try and emulate its success that it is having in japan at the moment. more games please. it terrible in the uk. not many at all. but i play my ds more than my psp thats for sure. in fact i haven't played my psp since jan as it has bored me to tears.

* Major retailers report that sales of Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day tripled over the previous week


more games please. it terrible in the uk. not many at all.


Brain Training, THE game for Father's Day (when is that in the US? Different to the UK, surely?)

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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