Nintendo News | Animal Crossing Wii, Add-Ons Discussed

By Mike Mason 08.06.2006 10

Speaking to Kikizo, Nintendo executive Katsuya Eguchi has let out a new Animal Crossing Wii detail or two, as well as divulging Nintendo's philosophies in regards to the controller attachments.

He re-iterated that Wii will be online at all times with WiiConnect24, and gave examples of unique ways games could use them, citing Animal Crossing specifically with the previously mentioned possibility of a friend visiting while you slept and leaving you a gift. However, he then went on to say that it is possible that people will be able to send messages via email or mobile telephone to somebody's Wii console and have them appear as a letter in Animal Crossing.

Moving on to peripherals, Eguchi did not give any specific examples of what ideas he might have, just in case they became actual products and so that he didn't reveal anything before it came to fruition. However, he did claim that Nintendo would create any add on they deemed to be necessary, if it would benefit gameplay, with the following quote:

"Of course, if software calls for a light gun, we'll make a light gun. If the software requires a guitar, then maybe we'll make a guitar. Our number one priority is always to provide the ultimate gameplay experience, so if the game requires a peripheral, then we'll supply a peripheral."

Finally, Eguchi had a dig at Sony's Playstation 3 controller, claiming that having to hold it with two hands while moving about would be restrictive, while Wii's controller being in separate parts would allow a greater degree of freedom.

You can find the entire video interview on Kikizo here.

Stick with C3 for more on Wii and its games as it comes!

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I hope we can still get updates, software offers, or these 'gifts' eventhough we're not connected to the web or have our systems plugged in. I for one don't intend on simply leaving my Wii plugged in and have my modem on all the time.

I'm really worried about all these peripherals...We might end up with so many in the end.Smilie

tiamat1990 said:
Im really worried about all these peripherals...We might end up with so many in the end.Smilie

I don't think its too bad a thing. Look at all the add ons for the PS2 that sell/sold: Eye Toy, Dance Mats, Steering wheels, Guitar, Microphones, light guns, Sniper rifles and best of all, those movement gloves that make u think your playing golf or fighting (which aren't all that)!

At least with Nintendo, they'll use the peripherals as controller attachments. I don't know if anyone here's had to try messing about with the PS2 G-Con2, but its got leads all over the place!

Also, any type of peripheral game is really trying to bring the arcade experience into the home. I'm more than happy to keep a couple of sets of Bongo's in the cupboard for special occasions! Smilie

I have my modem on all the time so for me it's not a biggy leaving it on all the time... I don't have a dial-up so I don't have to pay for the amount of time I'm online, which is pretty fucking handy at times...Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Same, my modem and Router has been on since last year.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

I've yet to pay my electricity bill for this flat, so I'll see just how expensive leaving a router on all the time soon.

I dont think leaving my modem on will spend that much electricity!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Nintendo_Maniac said:
I dont think leaving my modem on will spend that much electricity!!

I think it will, because it gets hot and buzzes. Yay a difference of opinion!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Der SegaHund said:
Nintendo_Maniac said:I dont think leaving my modem on will spend that much electricity!!
I think it will, because it gets hot and buzzes. Yay a difference of opinion!

You could always unplug it at night and just plug it in all night when you know there's downloads to download. HazukiSan: Solution Man!

I hope they include interactive minigames in AC Wii, that was the major issue I had with the game. Wii would be perfect for it anyway.

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