Nintendo Review Face Off | New Super Mario Bros. (DS) vs Legend of Starfy 3 (GBA)

By Adam Riley 03.06.2006 10

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I always thought it was staffi... I mean... What the hell I've never heard of this game before Smilie

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I am already playing NSMB on my DSLITE. Truely if you get a DS Lite and Mario around the same time, save the game for the Lite, it looks brilliant.


I love Super Mario Bros, really do, but you've got to hand it to TOSE, Starfy really does an amazing job of emulating the class of the Mario games. Each of its ten worlds is packed to the brim with great ideas and so much fun! And when Wario appears during world 8, in homage to Wario Land 4, it's just the icing!

Why Nintendo feels these games won't do well over here I don't know...I'd rate them higher than recent Kirby efforts!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

shame on you for the bump raz!


( Edited on 03.06.2006 19:20 by C3 Stalker )

Given the semi-downtime (some could access C3, others couldn't) we've encountered, this needed push Smilie

Who else has New Super Mario Bros.? Anyone care to share their thoughts on it, or either review?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

C3 Stalker said:
shame on you for the bump raz!WOW THATS MY 1000th POST!

ah bless, your 1000th post. I bet you were looking for a topic to post on where people would notice that it was your 1000th post. You did a really good job of that!


lol just kidding...

jesusraz said:
Id rate them higher than recent Kirby efforts!
HEATHEN!! Thou liest!! Cavas Curse and Amazing Mirror are two of the best portable games in the history of... Ever... >_>

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

jesusraz said:
Given the semi-downtime (some could access C3, others couldnt) weve encountered, this needed push SmilieWho else has New Super Mario Bros.? Anyone care to share their thoughts on it, or either review?

To be honest I'm surprised at the high score for nsmb. I thought it'd be getting 7's and 8's. Just gamers instinct.
Hopefully I'll be reviewing the UK version Smilie

Megadan, you're right with Amazing Mirror, I'll give you that, but I can't stand Canvas Curse for some reason. Just didn't feel like a proper Kirby game. Don't get me wrong, I love Kirby - especially Nightmare in Dreamland - and am eagerly awaiting the GameCube version (even if it comes to the Wii instead).

But Starfy is a VERY strong series that could appeal to the Western market. It has all the aspects of a game that could have great success here and it's a shame it's been overlooked so far. It's not like the games haven't done well in Japan, either. The current DS version has only been out a few weeks and is up to a healthy ~139,250 units and the GBA games did FAR better than that.

As for Mario, Hazuki, it's the classic game with new stuff. It can't be overly criticised for feeling a little old at times. It's exactly what fans have been clamouring for all these years. Will be interesting to see your take on the UK version...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I don't have a DS lite or NewSMB

I do have Kirby Canvus Curse though...I got it the day it came out in Japan

WOW!!! This is my thousanth post!!!
...My mistake it was my second

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