Nintendo News | Aonuma Reveals More Zelda DS Tidbits

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.05.2006 16

In the recent edition (Issue 205) of American Nintendo Magazine, Nintendo Power, producer of the Zelda series Eiji Aonuma, has given out some tidbits on the brand new adventure for the DS. Phantom Hourglass is the latest in long line of adventures for the Hylian hero that brings together the classic adventure mechanic with gorgeous cell-shaded graphics for the DS, as Link takes to the seas once more.

  • The main objective in the game's creation was to fully utilise the DS's hardware, having a Zelda game fully controlled by the stylus/touch screen alone.
  • "The sense of wonder and surprise will satisfy existing Zelda fans, but I would really like people who've never played Zelda before to experience this game too."
  • The project initially started out as a Four Swords port for the DS, and the same team, having discovered the potential of the Cell graphics on the machine, decided to opt for a single player adventure instead.
  • Aonuma hopes the new control scheme will follow through into future Zelda titles, and maybe even other adventure games for the DS.
  • The game's hierarchy involves a single main dungeon, with subset dungeons that need to be completed in order to progress through the main area.
  • A new enemy known as "chaser" prowls dungeons, chasing Link into a single-hit death. These enemies are so deadly that special sanctuary areas allow Link to hide from these creatures, with the dungeon map being used to plot routes to avoid the beasts.
  • Special jars can be thrown to create sanctuary zones on the fly so Link can be protected on the move.
  • Phantom Hourglass is set to hit stores at the end of 2006 to give holidays some Hylian action and Adventure.
  • Thanks to N-Sider for the transcript.

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    Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass





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    Great info. It's good to see the Zelda series taking a new direction rather than the same old formula we've come to expect. While an online version of Four Swords would have been nice, the new style of Phantom Hourglass makes me really anticipated for this game.

    I like the idea of a main dungeon and having to come back to it to access more areas once you've beaten other sub-dungeons.

    I know with Aonuma on the game that it will be brilliant, but I just hope it has the length and difficulty a Zelda game should have.

    Those Chasers will be the icing on the cake, mark my words. That's going to take the game from great to insanely fantastic...

    I can't wait!

    Only thing that worries me is releasing this and Twilight Princess in the same time frame: after playing a Zelda game it takes me a good few months before I am up for playing another or similar one. Playing two at the same time doesn't appeal.

    Can't wait for this, the ds is just getting better and better. All I need is star fox to be awseme as well then this will be the best christmas ever.

    i hope this gets released a good while before TP because as nry said, two at the same time will be hard.

    A new enemy known as

    I like the stealth option, it does sound like something that'll make you plan your way through dungeons a bit more strategically than in past Zeldas. It sort of reminds me of the opening fortress in Wind Waker where you had to hide from the guards to retrieve your sword...

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    'he game's hierarchy involves a single main dungeon, with subset dungeons that need to be completed in order to progress through the main area.' Hmm... Not sure about that... I'd prefer it if there was a massive overworld rather than being contained in a big dungeon...

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    this game is gonna rule!!! Smilie

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    Why so close to the Wii launch? Ninendo should try to understand that we cant afford to buy all their great new stuff all at the same time, things are just going to end up being neglected when they shouldnt be.

    -Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

    God the chasers sound a bit evil.

    There's some obscure Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion links here! Smilie

    MP and MF were released at around the same time, yet MP received greater attention, one reason being the incredibly long wait. Is this a possibility again?

    Also, you had the SA-X who hunted you down in the portable version of Metroid (Fusion). These Chaser guys will hunt you down in the portable version of Zelda (Phantom Hourglass).

    360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
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    jb said:
    The main objective in the game's creation was to fully utilise the DS's hardware, having a Zelda game fully controlled by the stylus/touch screen alone.

    I hope this works well. I don't really like using the stylus.

    I hope this works well. I don't really like using the stylus.

    Yeh, I hope they include a button option as well!

    The project initially started out as a Four Swords port for the DS

    I see, guess that clears up what happened to Four Swords DS then Smilie

    And those Chasers sound like a great addition to the game- can't wait!

    I hope this works well. I don't really like using the stylus.

    It seems to use a style similer to Animal Crossing which works pretty well.

    Regardless of how it controls, I'll buy it. It's Zelda. I mean, come on.

    I'm just hoping that it's easy to get used to the controls. I had trouble even adjusting to Metroid Prime: Hunters. Granted, I only played it for a few minutes in the store on a demo but the controls kind of turned me off to the game.

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