Industry News | Capcom Finds Success Thanks to Nintendo

By Adam Riley 24.05.2006 5

Capcom has revealed data from its latest financial report for the fiscal year as of 31st March, 2006. Despite recent hardships within the Industry as a whole, the company's worldwide standing is quite favourable, with a 91.6% profit increase compared to its performance the year before. This equates to 6,941 billion Yen (~

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They deffinatly can't.

It's going to be a race to see who can make the "killerist of killer apps" for the Wii in the future.

Which also means that they have no choice but to bring the next installment of Resident Evil to Nintendo's Wii

They're already doing an exclusive Resident Evil for Wii. Smilie

I hope the next Resident Evil Pair (5 and Wii) are completely different.

I have my heart set on getting a cheap 360 in the future to go alongside my Wii.

RE5 will likely be very different from the PS3 and XBOX360, or else there wouldn't be hesitation about the announcement. If we're lucky we might even get this using the RE4 engine, PLUS a port of RE5 in the future!

Oh, and Phoenix Wright would be dandy Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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