That's the point here:
He noted that Nintendo "found that people who don't normally play games are able to pick (the Wii controller) up and understand it and use it very quickly, but people who have been playing games for a long time have a little bit more of a learning curve, because they have to relearn."
that's exactly the impression I got here with you good people. Most of you think, it is a bit strange to put the joypad aside and use the wiimote. Was I the only one who was a bit disappointed when Ninty revealed the 2-sticks-like-always-pad? Now I have a slight fear, that 3rd party will release the first bunch of games for Wii and then deliver all-platform-games who will be playable only with this pad and not with the wiimote. I hope they take the time and implement a wiimote into the next Prince of Persia, the next Devil May Cry(
), the next... whatever and not only deliver a 1:1 port.
Because if they do, the Wii-player won't buy these games, 3rd-parties will decrease and only the original titles for Wii will survive on Wii.
That would be a *real* shame!
Hope I'm wrong.
By the way: What did Sony do to the GBA?