E3 2006 News | Miyamoto Talks DS-Wii Connectivity; Wii Customisation

By Mike Mason 12.05.2006 8

Kotaku held an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto at E3, which has yielded some interesting responses.

The capability for Wii to connect with DS is built into the system, but they have not yet decided how to use it fully. Miyamoto suggested that they would use the touch screen and the microphone to interact with Wii titles, or users could download things to the DS, edit them and upload them back to Wii. While they don't have anything specific planned yet (that they want to talk about, anyhow), it is expected that DS and Wii connectivity will be present either upon launch or close to launch due to the resounding success of the handheld system.

On a more intriguing note, Miyamoto mentioned that Wii remotes can be linked to different members of the family with their own settings attached to each. Nintendo are hoping that each member of a family will have their own remote to use with the system, so that the system can adjust its settings automatically depending on which remote was used to switch on the system or join a game.

Miyamoto also mentioned that the price and launch date were not specified at E3 due to them wanting to focus on the hardware and software. He believes that pricing details will probably be announced later this year at the Tokyo Game Show.

Stick with C3 for more from E3 as it comes!

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Wait, but isn't the Tokyo Game Show in Novemeber??? Are you telling me that Wii could launch after PS3? Easy does it Nintendo, i know that Ninty isn't in doerct competition with the competition but consumers will still see it that way. Just because Sony received a slating for the PS3's over ambitious pricepoint, they have the biggest fanboys of all three camps and a good end of the year sale could hurt Nintendo's own plans. I t6hink that it would be wiser for Nintendo to launch around about September October.

Tokyo Game Show is on the 22nd - 24th September this year. Smilie

It would be ace if you could use the DS as a keyboard for the Opera browser. It would free up space on your TV screen and be much better for typing that the remote. I'd prefer a proper keyboard but i have a nasty feeling that we won't get one.

Oh and the Tokyo game Show is in September, fear not.Smilie

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Phew. Thanks guys for correcting me. I was getting worried

Sony fanboys bigger than Nintendo fanboys? I don't think so!

I like the customising bit.

Wow, didn't think of customizing controllers! That'd be great for taking round to mates for Multiplayer games and seeing your personal settings.

The customisable controller sounds great! They're giving us stuff we never knew we wanted, and that's awesome. When I think about it, I get ticked of when I try to play a game and it's a little different because my brother played it last or something. And with it online, it'd save the step of selecting a profile, I imagine. And however of the console will be customised will work great with this.

Just great news overall.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

TipsyRabbit said
Sony fanboys bigger than Nintendo fanboys? I don't think so!

What OLU meant was that there are way more PS fanboy than Nintendo, which there are.

That's very cool to have individual settings for each controller. I think this is another way to bring non-gamers into the video game world, making it easier to pick up the game and play withut adjusting to how each game plays.

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