E3 2006 Speculation | Nintendo Wii Sports & Music Bundle?

By Adam Riley 11.05.2006 12

Quick News - It has been pointed out that during Demo Area Tour video on E3 Insider, a Nintendo PR representative mentions that there is a good chance that the Wii Sports and Music packages could be bundled with the Wii at launch. Could this justify a $249.99 price-point?

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Ummmm...fuck yeah! Well i dunno if it justifies the price but yes i want them bundled in.

At this point we don't really know how deep these games are. If they're very simple then a bundle is possible, although I'd be surprised.

Surely bundling the Wii with retro games makes more sense?

I second that Blade2t3 i want the bundle plus i'm going to buy 5 extra games if the launch with the Wii.

I don't see why that price needs to be justified, that's still less than 150 quid, an awesome price if you ask me!

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

At this point we don't really know how deep these games are. If they're very simple then a bundle is possible, although I'd be surprised.

Surely bundling the Wii with retro games makes more sense?

Maby but bundling somthin that takes advantage of the remote like that! Yes please i would take that over any retro game any day. Plus there bound to be deepter than pictochat thats for sure lol. Still i don't see why they couldn't maby put Mario Bros in but if it uses the star points then who cares, we'll probably be able to get a game with the stars in the games you just boughtSmilie

There was talk somewhere of the stars catalogue/club nintendo all being worked into the WiFi service. I would think the Console itsself would come with 'stars' as the gamecube did, and you can buy retro titles with them, so the more actual Wii titles you buy, the more Retro content you can download. It would therefore be in your interest to have the Sport/Music bundle and also the stars if they use that approach, heh.

I am fairly certain thats how it will go down. Not so much the Sports/Music, but the stars catalogue.

They'd be crazy not to bundle the sports...

theyd be crazy not make a bundle of this!!! im prepared to pay up to

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Nintendo has confirmed that the price won't be much higher than the normal Nintendo hardware launches...so we could see

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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I would pay anything up to

That'd be great! I was definately getting this. The tennis game is too good to pass up, and I haven't seen much of the music game, but I'd probably want that too. This would demonstrate very quickly just how the controller will be used in future games and will assure people they bought the right console.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I'm pretty confident in saying that this could simply be a freebie that comes along with the package. Heck, I think there are game demos that probably took longer with probably more moneyto make. I believe it'll be there to ease people into the use of the new system.

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