E3 2006 Hands-On | Wii Sports

By James Temperton 11.05.2006 9

Wii Sports (Hands On)
Anna Sky Houlton :: 10th May 2006 :: Reporting from LA

Finally the day has come and we have had a chance to play on the infamous Wii. After queuing right around Nintendo's enclosed area, talking to the massive plasma screens, which pictured real people who chatted to you to keep you entertained. We finally made our way inside Nintendo's Wii area where we were treated to the delights of all their Wii games.

The first game we played was part of Wii Sports, which is to include tennis, baseball and golf (officially). It is likely that there will be other games added to it before it is released as a Wii launch title and at E3 today Airplane was also being named as a Wii Sports game.

The first part of Wii Sports we played was tennis, the game can handle up to four players simultaneously each with a Wii Remote in hand. The game handles just like real tennis, with two doubles teams consisting of a computer and human on each.

With as quick touch of the A button and a swing of your arm you have your first serve in the air and if you are lucky enough you will find the ball sailing over the net. As your opponent returns it, it is your chance to make a swing at it and get it back over.

If you are good enough then the motion sensor inside the Wii Remote will know if you are putting top spin on the ball, doing a lob or backhand. The difference in the way you swing also determines the speed at which you hit the ball.

The game itself is pretty simple, however it is a great way to get your body used to what the Wii Remote is capable of, flailing your arms around and controlling the on screen character as you want to will soon be second nature to you.

Next up was golf, a simple golf demo with the obvious difference that you have a Wii Remote to make your swing with. There is no good timed button pushing to get your perfect shot, here, it is just you, the Wii Remote and your ability (or inability) to take a good swing.

After a few practice swings to see how much power your swing creates, you just hold down any button and swing to take your shot. The tricky part comes once on the green. Using the same idea as smashing the ball down the fairway you have to 'tap' the ball to get it in the hole. This part takes a lot more skill and practice as we found out. Swinging the remote just a little too hard could mean the difference between Birdie and a Bogey.

The third and final* game included in Wii Sports is baseball. Yes, you've guessed it, hold the Wii Remote like you would a baseball bat and swing at the ball as it comes towards you. This game is all about the timing and of course the speed at which you hit the ball. Hit is too softly and the ball wont go anywhere, hit is too hard and you never know where it might go. This game can also be played two player with one player throwing the ball and the other hitting it.

Wii Sports is definitely a game to show off the Wii Remote's ability. The use of the remote is so intuitive that anyone can pick up the game and start playing. It seems that with this game Nintendo will succeed in what they set out to do, bring gaming to everyone.

*other games may be announced nearer launch date.

Anna Sky Houlton

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You got to play with Stephen Colbert?!?!

On a serious note, are you finding any connection problems?

It looks like a lot of fun to play, nice write up. Smilie

Nice article, 'tis indeed looking mighty fun (if a little simple/bare at the moment - but that's too be expected at the current time really).

I can see this becoming a top-class multiplayer title when its released. Online would be cool but not as fun, as you wouldn't be able to watch people make a fool of themselves. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Good stuff Anna, glad you had fun! The Wii sports sounds like a good party game, and something that'll show the system's ease pretty well. Good for beginners no doubt!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

My most anticipated Wii title right now, this just looks like so much fun, wonderfully simplistic too! Smilie

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

do you think this will be online?

Don't think these ones will be online, i think there more like party games that show off the remote.

Might be a nice idea to shove at least one of them online though if they are to be bundled. Online gaming from the box and all that.

I suppose this could actually be pretty cool online... Baseball would definately be fun online... I suppose golf could be o.k, but might end up a bit boring if you have to wait ages for the other person... Tennis should be very fun online though, both singles and doubles :3

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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