Key Information:
In the last Chibi-Robo, our diminutive hero restored happiness to the Sanderson home, but in this DS sequel, he's taking on the great outdoors.
By Karn Spydar Lee Bianco 09.05.2006
Key Information:
In the last Chibi-Robo, our diminutive hero restored happiness to the Sanderson home, but in this DS sequel, he's taking on the great outdoors.
aww nice!! i love Chibi!! and this games sounds good!! so im gonna speak for all of us that well be looking forward to this one!!!
Nintendo must've been pleased with the reception the GC Chibi got to inspire a DS game so quickly! Sounds good and the screens look nice and colourful.
sounds cute, but im sceptical as i havent played the GC version yet..