Killer robots are attacking major cities across the United States, and the military is powerless to stop them. Players control one of Project H.A.M.M.E.R.'s cyborg prototypes: half-man, half-machine, with an extraordinary weapon
By Mike Mason 09.05.2006
Killer robots are attacking major cities across the United States, and the military is powerless to stop them. Players control one of Project H.A.M.M.E.R.'s cyborg prototypes: half-man, half-machine, with an extraordinary weapon
i could imagine getting really tired out after play this and then feel sore in the morning.
Screenshot of it here looks pretty damn good. that cobbled street is the SEX!
Looks nice and fun.
Welcome to the children of the Ice Climbers! This is shaping up great and I am sure to keep a close eye on this; I quite like the name as well. Great work, Nintendo, oh and you to Mike for reporting it, .
New, very adult games, liking the very Varied direction nintendo is taking..
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.