Nintendo Sales | Japan Laps Up Tetris, Mother & DS Lite

By Adam Riley 09.05.2006 9

Software - 24th-30th April | Total Sales

1.) Winning Eleven 10 (PS2) - 460,549 | NEW
2.) Tetris DS (NDS) - 218,099 | NEW
3.) Brain Training 2 (NDS) - 94,231 | 2,051,864
4.) Brain Training (NDS) - 74,783 | 2,052,782
5.) Animal Crossing (NDS) - 56,860 | 2,561,916

6.) Dragon Quest Shonen Yangus (PS2) - 54,456 | 181,958
[b]7.) English Training (NDS) - 52,258 | 938,729
8.) Mother 3 (GBA) - 50,923 | 256,837
9.) Naruto 4 (NDS) - 38,236 | NEW
10.) Pok

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Guest 09.05.2006#1

Look at that DS console go! It's like it's launch week was only last week!Smilie

thats a lot of DS lites and DS's being sold in Japan!

I will get a DS lite when they're out here, but only when they decide to launch a girly colour Smilie

Co-founder of the PDSLB - Pink DS Lite Buddies Fraz: Cheerios are made from fairy orgasms.

Wow, DS is eating up the charts - excellent stuff - was definitely expected for WE/Pro Evo to stand at the top.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

225 thousand in a week O_O

Thats obscene.

42,000 for the normal DS is high in itself.

More importantly, for Nintendo though, is the consistantly high software sales.
PSP is never seen in the charts. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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It is stupidly high - imagine Wii gets this sell-through rate...

The Japan charts never cease to amaze me, surely there'll be no more people left without theconsole at this rate Smilie

WOW WOW WOW WOW!!! go Nintey!!!
8 out of 10 games on the top 10!!! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Get in ther Nintendo, THRASH SonySmilie

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

Fooking 'ell!

I guess they've restocked the DS again...weren't sales at about 8K last week?

Anyways, 7 DS games in the top 10, 3 of which have sold 2 million+ in Japan alone and the DS (both versions combined) has sold more then a quarter of a million in just one week? (and outsold the PSP 6:1 in the process) Bloody fantastic for Nintendo! Smilie

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