Nintendo News | The Legend of Spyro A New Beginning

By Karn Spydar Lee Bianco 08.05.2006 6

Vivendi Games have official announced the existence of a brand new Spyro title for all of Nintendo's current home and handheld consoles (GC/GBA/DS) entitled 'The Legend of Spyro A New Beginning'. The franchise's various titles have already sold over 17-million titles worldwide across a plethora of formats, but never has a game explored the roots of the dragon himself.

Helping bring the story to life will be a number of famous Hollywood actors, each providing quality voice samples. Elijah Wood (Frodo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings trilogy) will be the new voice of Spyro; David Spade (The Benchwarmers) will be Spyro's sidekick Sparx the dragonfly; and Gary Oldman (Sirius Black from the Harry Potter films) will be taking Ignitus, the Fire Dragon Elder and Spyro's mentor.

The game will be entirely focused on action and combat revolving around a deep and involving plot that acts as an origin story for Spyro the Dragon. Players will be able to experience 'the awesome power of the purple dragon as they unleash devastating fury attacks, upgradeable breaths and ground-to-aerial melee combos in frenzied battles with hordes of menacing enemies and bone-chilling bosses.'

A New Beginning will also be the first Spyro title to introduce the 'Dragon Upgrade System' which provides players with the freedom to increase the power and variety of attacks to their own specifications. The title will be developed by critically-acclaimed developers Krome Studios for the GameCube and GBA versions whilst Amaze Entertainment will be handling the Dual Screened side of things.

The game is set for release in October this year, for more information check out the games official website:

Box art for The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning





3D Platformer



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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Wow! Cool! Sounds like an allstar cast this time around!

Oh joy, a new Spyro... so fantastically amazing...


I hate all these mickey mouse game announcements through E3.

Well, the last Spyro DS flopped, despite a healthy run on the GBA. Hopefully by now the fanbase has increased and it'll be a Third Party success!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Hopefully this'll be decent. I'm still making my mind up as to whether Spyro games are pretty good and just average.

Spyro has always been average I'm afraid. Wasn't it originally conceived as a potential SM64 beater on the PS1? Still hasn't managed it.

The first one was pretty great, but it just went down hill from there.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

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