E3 3003 | Press Release | Capcom at E3

By James Temperton 13.05.2003 1

Resident Evil 4
Survival horror title confirmed for E3!

At its annual E3 conference Capcom were able to confirm that two titles that were big doubts for E3 will be integral parts for the company's plans. Capcom also announced it will show a brand new video of the game in motion beginning Wednesday at Nintendo's and Capcom's booths.

Capcom also announced it will show a brand new video of the game in motion beginning Wednesday at Nintendo's and Capcom's booths.

Killer 7
More talk is quashed as Capcom confirm games to be shown at E3!

Capcom today announced it will display a new video of Killer 7 at the E3. The movie will be shown later in the week at both the Nintendo and Capcom booths.

On a much more exciting and confusing note the company confirmed that this title will be exclusive to the Nintendo GameCube, and is only being developed for that platform. More news as it breaks.

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