E3 2006 News | Nibris Promises Wii Sadness Trailer

By Mike Mason 04.05.2006 38

We've been sitting on this for a while now, but Polish developer Nibris have now publicly confirmed that gothic horror Wii title Sadness will be shown in trailer form in the next few days, between the 10th and 14th May.

To give people a little taster, they have issued the following images as a preview of the trailer, as well as a new logo. Click the thumbnails to see the complete (and outrageously huge) images.

Trailer Preview:

Sadness Logo:

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And Denis Dyack has said he'd still like to work with Nintendo in the future in some way, especially after the great work with Konami on MGS: Twin Snakes.

i thought he disliked the work with konami after reading an issue of EGM with proclaiming "if anybody's ever going to port metal gear solid 2 to gamecube, it sre won't be us".

As good as twin snakes was, it did feel like a waste of there talents.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Blade2t3 said:
As good as twin snakes was, it did feel like a waste of there talents.

amen, brother. I was pretty excited the first time i heard of it. I thought "wow, here's a game that should be sooo similar to MGS2!!". When i bought it, i took it oughta the bag, spinned it around and hummed a little song. Yes, i'm a nerd. Smilie

I did feel the game was a bit lacking in parts mainly due to the fact that i had high hopes for it and wanted it to be like MGS2. No new weapons, some boring new features that made the game wayyy easier and pretty much some horrible slowdown and bugs.

But it did have some memorable moments which didn't make the game a complete loss.

RE: Eternal Darkness.
Awesome game, I used to run around without killing stuff just so the insanity meter would rise! Some of the effects got crazy, which brings me to my next point, I read a couple of months ago that Nintendo had patented a new Insanity effect for a new game, maybe this was it?

Anyone else realised these pics are at 720p?

'tis a High-Res trailer apparently Smilie

And I thought that Twin Snakes was terrible... I couldn't wait to get rid of it. I doubt I'll ever play an other MGS game now. I really hate it when sequels aren't released on the same console the original was on though (Or the successor) so hopefully if there is a new ED game it'll be on the Rev

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

SKI said:
RE: Eternal Darkness.Awesome game, I used to run around without killing stuff just so the insanity meter would rise! Some of the effects got crazy, which brings me to my next point, I read a couple of months ago that Nintendo had patented a new Insanity effect for a new game, maybe this was it?

Yeah, I remember that. Seemed a bit strange how it cropped up again, didn't it? Perhaps Nintendo holds the rights to the ED name...that's an interesting thought.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Perhaps. Surely the assumed versatility of the Wii would be a perfect home for genre, even if they didnt own ED, maybe Nintendo could create a new IP.
Either way, if Sanity's Requiem does ever get a sequel, I'm gonna be there.

Hey J-Raz, did you complete the all three endings?
Y'know, you could choose a different fate by picking 1 of 3 'jems' I love the way you had to release an powerful entity to destroy the human threat, but then it turned out, what was released was a bigger evil then the first. Epic potential.

Never got round to doing the final one, unfortunately...not enough time. The scope was indeed amazing. I still can't believe it underperformed so badly and never even got given a second chance on Player's Choice! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Tell me about it, what a f**k up.
Some gamers need a good shaking!

Megadanxzero said:
I really hate it when sequels arent released on the same console the original was on though (Or the successor) so hopefully if there is a new ED game itll be on the Rev

It would be, Nintendo own all the IP for ED I believe.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I have never played Eternal Darkness. I saw it at EB games a few months ago for $14.99 but wasn't sure about it so I bought RE4 instead. I love RE4 (one of my favorite games). I would still like to play ED though. So did I make a wise choice in buying RE4 over ED?

What do I have to do to get a star around here Smilie haha jk Smilie

( Edited on 05.05.2006 04:17 by Hawk )

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

ED is a Nintendo license not a Silicon Knights license. But by the sounds of things Sadness is copying a few pages from the book of Eternal Darkness.

Vote 1, Eternal Darkness 2 for Wii

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