DS News | Exclusive Crash Bandicoot on Nintendo

By Adam Riley 04.05.2006 8

Vivendi Games' Sierra Entertainment has announced the development of Crash

Box art for Crash Boom Bang!








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Stick it to the man! Crash games are shite (apart from the racing game on the PS1), but the point is it's the PLAYSTATION MASCOT!!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Crash bandicoot 3 was a class game, aswell as CTR, but yeah his performance is a bit patchy especially since naughty dog isn't involved anymore.
Still it's being developed by dimps who did Sonic rush so it might turn out to be a decnet game for people who want some party games.

Unless it's made by naughty dog, crash bandicoot will never be as good as the original PS1 series, + CTR.

Whatever, I don't think that the words "good" and "Crash Bandicoot" get along very well Smilie

The game doesn't looks any good too, but maybe..Smilie

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

The GBA games sold is vast quantities, so hopefully this DS can do the business as well. However, the Spyro craze from the GBA didn't translate onto the DS last year...so I'm not holding my breath just yet.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

You cannot possibly judge the crash bandicoot brand by anything that was made after Crash Team Racing on the PS1 (The original creators, Naughty Dog, last game of the series.

As far as I'm concerned, the series ended at that point.

The images of this new game just confirm how badly the games have been ruined.

( Edited on 04.05.2006 21:22 by f | j | D )

Oh yay... A Crash Bandicoot game... The excitement...

Plus it looks exactly the same as Monkey Ball in terms of mini-games... Look at that screen of Monkey Billiards! I mean... Crash Billiards

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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