E3 2006 News | SNK vs Capcom Coming to Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 02.05.2006 15

Other than the Japanese-only Jump Superstars and the apparently shaky Guilty Gear Dust Strikers, the Nintendo DS is rather lacking in decent fighting games. However, IGN is reporting SNK Playmore is ready to jump to the rescue with a remake of SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters on Nintendo's portable system. The game is a remake of a classic Neo Geo Pocket Colour title, with some classing it as probably the best game on the short-lived handheld from over five years ago. The company is set to air the fighter-with-a-twist at next week's E3 event in the US, but has decided to release the first details to whet our appetites.

Just as in the original title, this Nintendo DS remake of SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters is more orientated on card battling more than traditional combat, pitting familiar characters from both companies against each other in the ultimate encounter. Gamers are given decks of cards to play around with, each card featuring names such as Guile, Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li and more from the Street Fighter beat 'em-ups, as well as SNK's 'crew', including those from Samurai Shodown, King of Fighters and Fatal Fury. As well as the expected graphical update, SNK has now included full touch-screen input to make card selection as simple as possible, plus making it much easier to select and sort cards that have been earned, as well as battling with opponents and traversing the competition structure featured. It is also thought that wireless multiplayer will be included, yet nothing more will be confirmed until E3 next week.

For now, IGN has some exclusive images of the game: SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters

Stick with Cubed3 as we bring you live coverage of E3 from the floor next week!

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When they finally DO bring another fighter to the DS, it's some crappy card-based fighter... *Sigh*
I'd rather have an SNK vs. Capcom hand to hand combat game Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

*mutters to self*....just this once......

i agree with shinji. It would be good to see a jump superstars style deck, with Capcom and SNK characters that would rock!

What is this craze for card battling? If I wanted table top card battling I'd buy the kit, but on my consoles I want to actually control the action, not draw a card and watch the computer do a move.

I want Marvel vs Capcom! Not this card based game!

You found the word nipple! And you love touching them!

Cards games suck and don't sell , what's the attraction to develope them?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Grvmb7iir said:
Cards games suck and dont sell , whats the attraction to develope them?

I know, why not manufacture a card game and then make a proper game seperately... surely that'd make more cash.

...or just make a gang-based free-roaming chav-em-up. When i got my second hand Xbox, the hard drive read like a list of all the GTA clones EVEN 50 CENT: BULLET PROOF. I had to delete it all and then sterilise the box and controllers.Smilie

OMFG E3 next week!!!!Smilie

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Yu-gi-oh bandwagon ho!

...or just make a gang-based free-roaming chav-em-up. When i got my second hand Xbox, the hard drive read like a list of all the GTA clones EVEN 50 CENT: BULLET PROOF. I had to delete it all and then sterilise the box and controllers

Fire, my friend.Smilie

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

It may be card-based, but I welcome fighting games to the DS.

The reason is that this was one of the strongest selling NeoGeo Pocket Colour games and has quite a cult following...a group of fans that would be of benefit to Nintendo's battle in this generation.

Certainly no complaints...It IS a shame we've not had a proper Street Fighter, though...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Capcom Vs SNK 2 or Street Fighter II: Turbo would be more than welcome on the DS. Shame about this title though - the thread name got me all excited. Smilie

Man card games are the best. I mean Magic, YuGiOh and whatever else...

It's not the same boring gameplay that games use all the time. These games use strategy, luck and skill.

The best part is that no two games are ever the same thanks to shuffling.

If I had a DS, I would buy two copies of this game.

To be open-minded, one must admit the possibility that anything and everything is wrong.

good for you...

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

dont get cocky

Yea would love street fighter game on the DS but i really think they need to let the Street Fighter 2 game go. Its been like 16 years since the orginal right?

I wanna see a new street fighter for a Nintendo format!

These games use strategy, luck and skill.

You've hit the nail on the head.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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